results for NOP Cup 2015 match 3

Standard Production Combined Compare statistics results return
First name
Last name
1 100.00 429.9833 Espen Skancke Fiskebeck Production- - NOR U esp1 HPS
2 83.24 357.9273 Folke Myrvang Production- S NOR U folkem NOP
3 81.64 351.0271 Joakim Lied Haga Production- - NOR U bambibabe NOP
4 80.43 345.8194 Jens Berentzen Production- - NOR U berentz NOP
5 79.57 342.1195 Tore Haugli Standard- - NOR U thaugli ASK
6 79.06 339.9571 Sondre Strømdahl Production- - NOR U NOP
7 77.29 332.3335 Andreas Hamre Production- - NOR U hamre NOP
8 73.72 316.9641 Kjetil Edvardsen Production- - NOR U madmax NOP
9 71.51 307.4906 Lars Elden Production- - NOR U NOP
10 63.39 272.5689 Roy Thorud Production- - NOR U roytho NOP
11 61.52 264.5382 Thor Andreas Grannæs Production- SS NOR U thorshammer NOP
12 56.81 244.2876 Kåre Gulliksen Production- - NOR U kgullik NOP
13 50.15 215.6307 Håkon Knappskog Production- - NOR U NOP
14 48.98 210.5847 Bjørn Rollheim Production- S NOR U bas NOP
15 28.08 120.7184 Karl-Aage Wevang Production- - NOR U aage Nop
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