First name
Last name
1 100.00 786.1119 Mats Parhammar Standard+ S SWE U mapa Sundsvalls PK
2 97.29 764.7909 Jens Sundgren Standard+ - SWE U nike UPS
3 95.50 750.7071 Gustav Breisch Standard+ - SWE U gbreisch Sandvikens PSK
4 92.40 726.3777 Niclas Dal Standard- S SWE U nickeklick Sörmlands Dynamiska Skytteförening
5 92.30 725.6047 Patrik Svedlund Standard+ - SWE U 2fast4u BBSKF
6 91.61 720.1270 Daniel Falk Standard+ - SWE U dajo75 UDS
7 88.08 692.3763 jonas renström Standard+ - SWE U jonas sandvikens psk
8 82.26 646.6465 Henrik Hjelte Standard+ - SWE U cetre GuDS
9 80.61 633.6832 Karl Håkansson Standard- - SWE U kelle Uppsala Handeldvapenförening
10 78.51 617.1974 Magnus Gustafsson Standard+ - SWE U scar RPK
11 78.42 616.4522 Ronny Andreassen Standard- - SWE U matrix99 Sörmlands Dynamiska Skytteförening
12 75.32 592.1370 Henrik Karlström Standard- - SWE U hkab RPK
13 74.92 588.9864 Joel Sundstedt Standard- - SWE U josu LVF
14 74.31 584.1425 Fredrik Sunnermark Standard- - SWE U qarlzon S:t Eskils Skyttar
15 70.39 553.3452 Svante Drakenberg Standard- - SWE U drakenberg Uppsala Dynamiska Skyttar
16 68.15 535.7367 Thomas Björklund Standard- - SWE U doublea Rosersberg PK
17 67.45 530.2528 Mathias Henricsson Standard+ - SWE U glock35 StE
18 67.29 528.9545 Kent Kumpula Standard- - SWE U kentk Uppsala Dynamiska Skyttar
19 66.68 524.2160 Vladimir Veanes Steiner Standard- - SWE U steiner BBSKF
20 66.68 524.1446 Mathias Brännvall Standard+ - SWE U beaver UDS
21 66.24 520.7246 P-O Persson Standard- - SWE U forsabon Sundsvalls DS
22 65.37 513.8899 Fredrik, "Bisse" Eliæson Standard- - SWE U bisse SSK
23 64.07 503.6877 Daniel Lindström Standard+ - SWE U tresk S:t Eskils Skyttar Eskilstuna
24 62.68 492.7543 Jonas Eriksson Standard- - SWE D leadmonger UPS
25 61.72 485.1777 Marcus Hahn Standard- - SWE U sucram Ballongbergets SKF
26 61.10 480.3147 Mats Tunfalk Standard- - SWE U socom UPS
27 60.89 478.6892 Janne Komminaho Standard- - SWE U janko UDS
28 60.60 476.4050 Daniel Svensson Standard- - SWE U dannepang Rosersberg PK
29 59.74 469.6126 Henrik Matern Standard+ SS SWE U hachiman BBSKF
30 55.92 439.6291 Patric Arvidsson Standard- - SWE U arvid UDS
31 54.96 432.0863 Teodoros Chatzissavidis Standard+ - SWE U satan UDS
32 54.68 429.8449 Dusan Vujanic Standard- - SWE U Rpk
33 53.76 422.6424 Daniel Revland Standard- - SWE U drev Södertäljepolisens Skytteförening
34 49.92 392.4346 Konstantin Chow Standard- - SWE U konta Ballongberget
35 47.58 374.0143 Anders Thim Standard- S SWE C reloadertoo Rosersberg PK
36 46.46 365.2299 Malik Thor Standard- - SWE U malle BBSKF
37 45.88 360.6874 Andreas Kamél Standard- - SWE U kamelen GUDS
38 44.40 349.0080 Kent Sundberg Standard- S SWE U Sundsvalls DS
39 40.67 319.7143 Ulf Siljedahl Standard- - SWE U uffe Rosersberg PK
40 39.40 309.7241 Frédéric Kayat Standard+ - SWE D fgk BBSKF
41 38.28 300.9373 No Name Standard- - --- U
42 37.96 298.3740 Thomas Eldenek Standard+ - SWE U tel UHF
43 34.55 271.5827 Axel Torvenius Standard- - SWE U torvenius UDS
44 34.48 271.0759 Kattis Edfeldt Standard- L SWE U kattis Ärna skyttegille
45 28.84 226.7253 Pia Clerté Standard- L SWE U superwoman UDS
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