First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 335.6761 Dariusz Kowalczyk Production- - NOR U SSL
2 98.46 330.5050 Bjørn-Erik Alexandersen Production- - NOR U pewpew OKTS
3 93.30 313.1924 Trym Alexandersen Production- S NOR U
4 79.77 267.7621 Aleksander Stanisic Production- - NOR D jegern OKTS
5 77.73 260.9059 Jørn Aasland Production- - NOR C jornaa OKTS
6 77.55 260.3216 Milo Stanisic Waagaard Production- - NOR U huntern OKTS
7 76.85 257.9565 Jim Rune Nilsen Production- - NOR U
8 65.73 220.6320 Jon Regbo Production- - NOR U stalkerpro OKTS
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