First name
Last name
1 100.00 538.1404 Mikael Agnebo Production- - SWE U mikagn Sthlm MP
2 97.27 523.4705 Andreas Persson Open+ - SWE U apersson88 SPSF (Södertäljepolisens Skytteförening)
3 96.98 521.8933 Ted Åhlenius Production- - SWE U ted SPSF (Södertäljepolisens Skytteförening)
4 96.49 519.2359 Patrik Svedlund Standard+ - SWE U 2fast4u BBSKF
5 95.46 513.7157 Jimmy Svensson Production- - SWE U 9mm ipsc örebro
6 93.86 505.0880 Niclas Dal Standard- S SWE M nickeklick Södertäljepolisens Skytteförening SPSF
7 92.28 496.5905 Robin Östman Production- - SWE U wox Sandvikens PSK
8 92.00 495.0684 Fredrik Wildemo Production- - SWE A fredwild STHLM M&P
9 90.85 488.9144 Robert Johansson Production- - SWE U rj84 Sundsvalls Dynamiska Skyttar
10 90.65 487.8052 Kyrre Lee Production- - NOR U bombom Bpk
11 87.71 472.0162 Daniel Gulle Production- - SWE U gulle SPSF
12 87.38 470.2330 Fredrik Pettersson Classic- - SWE U dvc Linköping Shooting Club
13 85.63 460.7893 Ricardo Soler Production- - SWE U rickipick Södertörns SK
14 85.23 458.6387 Jens Lindström Lönn Production- - SWE U ulvhedin Security Group Dynamics
15 84.73 455.9809 David Lindhe Production- - SWE U davlin Nyköpings pistolklubb
16 83.21 447.7985 Anton Grimm Open+ - SWE U labban Oxelösunds PK
17 82.76 445.3596 Clas Öhman Production- - SWE U clisse Tyresö SKF
18 82.17 442.1853 Kenny Frohde Standard- - SWE U baggins Lidingö Sportskytteklubb
19 81.96 441.0424 Victor Persson Standard- - SWE U Sandvikens SPSK
20 80.34 432.3466 Peter Burnert Production- - SWE U peter1500 Salems PK
21 80.23 431.7750 Jonas Alm Standard- - SWE U jonasalm Salems PK
22 79.81 429.4923 Sven Lundin Production- - SWE U lundin IPSC Granhammar
23 78.50 422.4463 Thomas Björklund Standard- - SWE U doublea Rosersberg PK
24 76.91 413.8984 martin cardell Standard- - SWE U martinc salems pk
25 75.71 407.4391 Sebastian Carlsson Production- - SWE U vonbatti SSK
26 75.33 405.3687 Anders Rothman Open+ - SWE U rothman Linköping Shooting Club
27 75.06 403.9302 Gabriel Lind Production- - SWE U gabbe LVF
28 74.47 400.7462 Peter Stavling Standard+ S SWE U peter997s LVF
29 74.43 400.5595 Jonny Nordin Classic- - SWE U murgo Oxelösunds Pistolklubb
30 74.23 399.4857 Martin Quensel Standard- - SWE U wooflock SPSF (Södertäljepolisens Skytteförening)
31 74.07 398.5788 Alex Roos Standard- - SWE U aroos SPSF
32 73.77 396.9669 Henrik Ryhle Standard- - SWE U SSK
33 73.43 395.1403 Christoffer Edqvist Production- - SWE U qrilleo S:t Eskils Skyttar, Eskilstuna
34 71.75 386.1196 David Rexander Standard- - SWE U davrex Linköping Shooting Club
35 71.36 384.0009 Rickard Franzén Production- - SWE U lumberjack East Coast Dynamic Shooters
36 71.02 382.2015 jaakko kangasvieri Production- - SWE U jaakko IPSC Örebro
37 70.74 380.6573 Tobias Duse Production- - SWE U eagel SPSF
38 70.73 380.6299 Marcus Hahn Standard- - SWE U sucram Ballongbergets SKF
39 70.19 377.7226 Kim Hansson Classic+ - SWE U sylta Södertörns SK
40 69.68 374.9653 Olof Sjoden Standard+ S SWE U olof Nykopings PK
41 69.40 373.4926 Daniel Nordström Production- - SWE U nordstrom Nyköpings DS
42 69.38 373.3423 Love Lagercrantz Production- - SWE U lovlag Örlogsberga Skf
43 69.11 371.8887 Emil Kantelius Production- - SWE U eka NPK
44 68.90 370.7554 Marjan Angelovski Standard- - SWE U marang SPSF
45 68.74 369.9008 Hans Nilsson Production- - SWE U snowcrash NLT PSK
46 68.25 367.3047 Andreas Nordqvist Production- - SWE U nqvist Precisionsskyttarna
47 67.70 364.3417 Daniel Hofmann Standard- - SWE U dawg SSK
48 66.77 359.3416 Emil Berggren Production- - SWE U confused Lesjöfors Pistolsskytteklubb
49 66.76 359.2718 Klas Nilsson Production- - SWE U securitymanager Ärna skyttegille
50 66.75 359.2008 Mattias Skatteboe Production- - SWE U skatteboe Oxelösunds pistolklubb
51 66.40 357.3513 Luis Soler Production- - SWE U luyazami Södertörns SK
52 66.28 356.6971 Alexander Ellstrom Standard- - SWE U gunbad BBSKF
53 65.65 353.3149 Henry Joona Production- - SWE U joonix Örlogsberga Skf
54 65.33 351.5929 John JM Prpic Production- - SWE U josen East Coast Dynamic Shooters
55 64.79 348.6669 Weine Samuelsson Open+ SS SWE U wesa LSC
56 64.54 347.3270 Ulrik Andersson Standard- - SWE U karl99 Nyköpings dynamiska skyttar
57 64.52 347.2147 Oscar Lindqvist Standard- - SWE C dumle Oxelösunds PK
58 63.95 344.1174 Kai Rämö Production- - SWE U kai Ärna Skyttegille
59 63.81 343.3635 Nicolai Kling Production- - SWE U k9nitro Södertäljepolisens Skytteförening
60 63.80 343.3570 Kalle Harneby Standard- - SWE U skyywalker1 Roslagens pistolskyttar
61 63.65 342.5364 Joakim Sjöberg Production- - SWE U joalex Oxelösunds Dynamiska Skyttar
62 63.46 341.5083 Jonas Olsson Production- - SWE U jo69
63 63.44 341.3920 Christofer Molén Production- - SWE U molle Roslagens Pistolskyttar
64 63.44 341.3829 Henrik Matern Standard+ S SWE U hachiman BBSKF
65 63.38 341.0759 Joel Sundstedt Standard- - SWE U josu LVF
66 63.28 340.5316 Fredrik Björsell Standard- - SWE U anselm Sthlm M&P
67 63.07 339.4263 Magnus Granath Production- - SWE U granath SPSF
68 62.59 336.8130 Erik Ljunggren Standard- - SWE U erix Bromma PK
69 62.54 336.5450 Johan Hansén Production- - SWE U lappen LVF
70 62.40 335.8255 John Lindman Standard- - SWE U johndoe East Coast Dynamic Shooters
71 62.00 333.6653 Jörgen Ömalm Standard- - SWE U sj1640 Tyresö Skf
72 61.64 331.6878 Andreas Matson Production- - SWE U leatherneck SPSF
73 61.36 330.1939 Peter Berg Classic+ - SWE U duckster Oxelösunds Pk
74 61.11 328.8807 Ahmet Tasci Production- - SWE U atta salempk
75 60.73 326.8259 Marcus Keife Standard- - SWE U kobayashi Roslagens Pistolskyttar
76 60.49 325.5289 Sofie Sunesson Production- L SWE U soffidoll SPSF
77 59.85 322.0697 Kevork Normanian Production- - SWE U kevno Ballongberget
78 59.67 321.1235 Christer Roos Production- S SWE U roos Salems PK IPSC
79 59.51 320.2367 Hannes Kantelius Production- - SWE U kanha NPK
80 59.42 319.7392 Johan Heidenfors Classic- - SWE U johhei Tyresö SKF
81 59.32 319.2409 Roberth Dahl Production- - SWE U dahl East Coast Dynamic Shooters
82 59.29 319.0652 Niklas Gårdman Standard- - SWE U elguapo Södertäljepolisens skytteklubb
83 59.25 318.8394 Christian Wangel Production- - SWE U RPK
84 58.97 317.3196 Henrik Grip Standard- - SWE U
85 58.90 316.9770 Stefan Nordh Production- - SWE U spiderpriest Södertörns SK
86 58.31 313.8069 Konstantin Chow Standard- S SWE U konta Ballongberget
87 57.70 310.5113 Svante Drakenberg Standard- - SWE U drakenberg Uppsala Dynamiska Skyttar
88 57.66 310.3160 Daniel Yderfors Production- - SWE U yderfors East coast dynamic shooters
89 57.27 308.2153 Erik Bjalkvall Production- - SWE U 3gunner Stockholm LVF
90 55.95 301.0696 Daniel Routovaara Production- - SWE U LG Skf
91 55.92 300.9141 Daniel Lundström Production- - SWE U danlun Oxelösunds DS
92 55.34 297.8130 Magnus Borgenstrand Standard- - SWE U bounty Salem's PK
93 55.07 296.3377 Anders Kronhamn Production- - SWE U Salems PK
94 54.69 294.2823 Jonas Viitanen Production- - SWE U jonasvii ECDS
95 54.57 293.6629 Lars-Erik Berggren Production- - SWE U nequit Lesjöfors Pistolskytteklubb
96 54.48 293.1948 Rikard Höijertz Revolver- - SWE U formsvag Linköping Shooting Club
97 53.29 286.7674 Henric Lövstrand Production- - SWE U Ärna SG/FM/Luftstridsskolan
98 53.15 286.0032 Torbjörn Gebrat Production- S SWE U elperegrino RPS
99 52.49 282.4839 Mikko Laukkanen Revolver+ - SWE U selector Linköping Shooting Club
100 51.68 278.0974 Johan Alinder Production- - SWE U S:t Eskils Skyttar
101 49.77 267.8517 Örjan Lundberg Production- - SWE U iceman74 Rosersberg PK
102 49.12 264.3274 anders zetterdahl Production- - SWE U zta Oxelösunds Dynaminska Skyttar
103 48.54 261.1950 Dennis Eriksson Production- - SWE U zekepower Salems PK
104 48.48 260.8798 Roger Forgbert Standard- - SWE U sds
105 47.04 253.1413 Jonas Sundgren Standard- - SWE U jontis
106 46.69 251.2482 Jonas Ericson Production- S SWE U ecka sthlm m&p
107 46.44 249.9240 Azir Butt Production- - SWE U azir SPSF (Södertäljepolisens Skytteförening)
108 45.64 245.6064 Petra Sönnert Production- L SWE U psonnert SPSF
109 44.28 238.2870 Christian Di Schiena Production- - SWE U crisis Södertörns SK
110 42.07 226.4195 Leif Johansson Standard- - SWE U Kss
111 41.97 225.8676 Johan Östman Production- - SWE U johan S:t Eskils Skyttar, Eskilstuna
112 41.51 223.3717 Christer Aspelin Production- S SWE U Salems Pk
113 40.22 216.4318 Bert-Ove Kristensen Production- - SWE U draken66 Södertäljepolisens skytteförening
114 39.29 211.4395 Johan Argenius Production- - SWE U donjohan Oxelösunds PK
115 38.04 204.7245 Sara Edlund Production- L SWE U theoneandonly S:t Eskils Skyttar, Eskilstuna
116 37.27 200.5438 Malik Thor Standard- - SWE U malle BBSKF
117 35.58 191.4449 Sven Storgärds Production- S SWE U sstorgards Uppsala Handeldvapenförening
118 35.48 190.9354 Stefan Annell Open- - SWE U Stockholms lvf
119 34.23 184.1791 Mats Eriksson Production- - SWE U eriksson Södertörn SK
120 31.85 171.4174 Karl-Ossian Frimodt Production- - SWE U stomper Tyresö skf
121 30.66 164.9698 Johan Lindroth Standard- S SWE U Tyresö SKF
122 28.70 154.4390 Bengt Siverling Production- - SWE U svingaling Ballongberget
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