results for BSK KM Production & Standard

Open Standard Production Combined Compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 439.3848 Lasse Steffensen Standard- - NOR U BSU
2 99.90 438.9407 Bjørn-Christian Vikenes Standard- - NOR U
3 91.82 403.4425 Jan Christer Steinsvik Standard+ - NOR U scruffyhead BSK
4 85.82 377.0593 Per Sørstrønen Standard+ - NOR U perpistol Bsk
5 84.05 369.3154 Vidar Andreassen Standard+ - NOR U wolf1911 BSK
6 72.20 317.2362 Ove Toranger Standard- - NOR U smileyface Bergen Pistolklubb
7 68.56 301.2230 Trond Mjåtveit Hansen Standard+ - NOR U trond BSK
8 68.17 299.5493 Jerzy Sokol Standard- - NOR U BPK
9 67.23 295.4052 Aleksander Bjelke Standard- - NOR U bsu
10 50.82 223.2827 Rune Strømme Standard+ - NOR U BEP
11 50.01 219.7333 Birgit Steinsvik Standard- L NOR U airhead BSK
12 40.45 177.7378 Anders Sorknes Standard- - NOR U BSK
13 37.79 166.0386 Njaal Sørstrønen Standard+ - NOR U BSK
14 34.88 153.2688 Christoffer Fjelldal Standard+ - NOR U BSK
15 31.70 139.2882 Fernando Claure Standard- - NOR U BSK
16 29.25 128.5243 Marie Helen Skauge Standard- - NOR U mystefistisk BSK
17 25.71 112.9478 Petter Kjekshus Standard- - NOR U BSK
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