results for Stadi Cup V 2015 match 3 (HVA)

Open Standard Production Classic Combined Compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 382.1341 Jere Hakanen Production- - FIN U 2941 Haur
2 76.15 290.9796 Jukka Kanniainen Production- - FIN U JURY
3 64.95 248.1901 Teemu Potkonen Production- - FIN U 3786 HVA
4 58.11 222.0709 Jari Salmela Production- - FIN U JURY
5 57.21 218.6240 Anssi Juutilainen Production- - FIN U 3878 SSG
6 49.82 190.3853 Hannu Räisänen Production- S FIN U PorkkA
7 44.88 171.5169 Lasse Koskela Production- SS FIN U HVA
8 42.55 162.6030 Ari Juutinen Production- S FIN U 2452 HVA
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