First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 675.6851 Niclas Dal Standard- S SWE A nickeklick SPSF (Södertäljepolisens Skytteförening)
2 84.66 572.0489 Joakim Kaneröd Standard+ S SWE U jockek Linköping Shooting Club
3 78.68 531.6439 Michael Pedersen Standard+ S SWE U beerzerk Sundsvalls DS
4 78.55 530.7296 Peter Stavling Standard+ S SWE U peter997s LVF
5 60.95 411.8618 Kent Sundberg Standard- S SWE U romulus Sundsvalls DS
6 58.43 394.8200 Konstantin Chow Standard- S SWE U konta Ballongberget
7 55.99 378.3396 Mats Tunfalk Standard- S SWE U socom UPS
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