First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 391.6245 Even Skaarer Production- - NOR U NOP
2 91.47 358.2229 Thomas Nordvi Production- - NOR A tnor LOP
3 88.68 347.3076 Tor Ketil Krogh Olsen Production- - NOR M torpompido HPS
4 87.96 344.4773 Espen Skancke Fiskebeck Production- - NOR A esp1 Nop
5 86.05 337.0017 Frank Gulli Production- - NOR U fgulli HPS
6 84.36 330.3883 Christopher Thorstensen Production- - NOR U klatrechris SSL
7 83.16 325.6911 Folke Myrvang Production- S NOR A folkem NOP
8 82.54 323.2477 Håkon Myklebust Production- - NOR B bamse OKTS
9 79.65 311.9479 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- - NOR B joakimgr BPK
10 79.57 311.6311 Jens Berentzen Production- - NOR B berentz NOP
11 79.49 311.3102 Rebecca Flugstad Production- L NOR C rebeccafl OKTS
12 79.43 311.0747 Joakim Lied Haga Production- - NOR U bambibabe NOP
13 78.41 307.0764 Kjetil Edvardsen Production- - NOR B madmax NOP
14 77.71 304.3322 Lars Aker Production- - NOR U aker Moss Pistolklubb
15 75.42 295.3746 Stian Arnesen Production- - NOR U mikealot SPK
16 74.38 291.2859 Ole Andreas Nordrum Production- - NOR U Tønsberg og omeng pistolklubb
17 73.79 288.9645 Kjetil Sletsjøe Svendsen Production- - NOR A mcready OKTS
18 73.62 288.2960 Kjetil Haugmoen Kjøndal Production- - NOR C kjetilhk Farris Sportsskyttere
19 73.01 285.9123 Lars Flugstad Production- S NOR C larsflugstad OKTS
20 72.08 282.3003 Andreas Hamre Production- - NOR U hamre NOP
21 71.56 280.2551 Simen Amundsen Production- - NOR B siam LOP
22 71.19 278.8165 Svein Erik Eliassen Production- - NOR C fluffybunnyfeet HPK
23 69.95 273.9218 John Sørbo Production- - NOR C joso ASK (Asker Skyteklubb)
24 69.23 271.1234 Tore Varlid Production- - NOR B gungne Lågen Sportskyttere
25 69.07 270.5084 Geir Herdal Production- - NOR B geiros NOP
26 68.14 266.8607 Knut Harald Graven Production- - NOR C plaff OKTS
27 67.24 263.3227 Sondre Strømdahl Production- - NOR U NOP
28 67.03 262.4975 Roar Bredvei Hauge Production- - NOR U enygma Farris Sportskyttere
29 66.98 262.3255 Stein Johnstad Production- - NOR C HPS
30 66.87 261.8686 Jan Fredrik Berggrav Production- - NOR U SSL
31 65.08 254.8666 Henrik Hornemann Production- - NOR C farmer1 RPK
32 64.89 254.1393 Henrik Dahlen Production- - NOR B dahlai Ringerike PK
33 63.25 247.7004 Eystein Leren Production- - NOR U eystein NOP
34 63.20 247.5017 Jon Regbo Production- - NOR U stalkerpro OKTS
35 62.31 244.0399 Terje Akselsen Production- - NOR B cmrta Vikane Skydeselskap
36 61.50 240.8357 Espen Brandsneshaug Production- - NOR U LOP
37 61.21 239.7273 Jostein Hassel Production- - NOR U soldierboy ESS
38 60.78 238.0311 Karl-Inge Hanssen Production- S NOR C snowyturtle MPK
39 60.61 237.3619 Stian Lund Haugestad Production- - NOR U lund OKTS
40 60.36 236.3922 Even Stien Production- J NOR U eveny OKTS
41 60.32 236.2232 Svein Helge Hennum Production- S NOR B hennumen OFS
42 58.14 227.6994 Erik Magnus Ekjord Production- - NOR U OKTS
43 57.23 224.1346 Alexander Gogstad. Larsen Production- - NOR U atlantaalex FSS
44 56.80 222.4598 Olav Soldal Production- - NOR C soldal ASK
45 56.27 220.3842 Kåre Gulliksen Production- - NOR U kgullik NOP
46 55.99 219.2770 Kenneth Nøsterud Production- - NOR U kenost OKTS
47 55.87 218.7932 Knut Øystein Bilden Production- S NOR C knutte62 LOP
48 55.60 217.7499 Magnus Aasehaug Production- - NOR U tigergutt ssl
49 54.88 214.9094 Trond Løkke Production- - NOR C tchl OKTS
50 54.24 212.4146 Michel Duits Production- - NOR C SKI PK
51 54.12 211.9403 Jan Olav Stangeland Production- - NOR U stjanolav Asker Skyteklubb
52 53.54 209.6864 Arne Johan Holst Production- - NOR U arkansasarny Farrissportskyttere
53 53.05 207.7609 Roy Thorud Production- - NOR C royth NOP
54 52.76 206.6248 Marius Hauki Production- - NOR U marius Asker SK
55 52.29 204.7830 jon fossum Production- - NOR U OKTS
56 52.01 203.6868 Anders Sigstad Production- - NOR U LOP
57 51.10 200.1152 Helge Nedreberg Production- - NOR U stryn Lop
58 51.05 199.9289 Simon Hehir Production- S NOR U OKTS
59 50.87 199.2369 Trond Lien Production- - NOR U slopy Holmestrand PK
60 49.65 194.4451 Hugo Zimmermann Production- - NOR U iceman73 Farris sportskytterlag dynamisk gruppe
61 49.21 192.7365 Gaute Hagen Production- - NOR U gha LOP
62 47.33 185.3658 Kjetil Sundby Production- - NOR U heisenberg OKTS
63 47.09 184.4185 Elling Hvaale Production- - NOR U grimm kpk
64 46.84 183.4428 Erik Sivertsen Production- - NOR U hybris HOP
65 46.66 182.7260 Alexander Bugge Production- - NOR U buggea Bjørkelangen Pistolklubb
66 46.64 182.6724 Jonathan Kennedy Production- - NOR U kellen RPK
67 46.62 182.5883 Rune Poortman Production- - NOR U sprelle KPG
68 45.18 176.9371 Jim Rune Nilsen Production- - NOR U OKTS
69 44.82 175.5317 Marius Engebraaten Production- - NOR U HPS
70 43.90 171.9087 Trond Erik Sandviken Production- - NOR U Okts
71 42.74 167.3670 Trung Nguyen Production- - NOR D slit1 Okts
72 41.80 163.6878 Tinh Le Production- - NOR U farris sportskyttere
73 41.14 161.1167 Tor Magnus Nygård Production- - NOR D shootonthemove LOP
74 36.07 141.2643 Øystein Tvedten Production- - NOR U maddog SSL
75 35.96 140.8163 Sissel Rørvik Production- L NOR U pennyless SPK
76 35.80 140.1958 Espen Opstad Production- - NOR U nukem TOP
77 35.07 137.3491 Fredrik Sveen Nygaard Production- - NOR U ringerikepisto klubb
78 32.14 125.8624 Svein Erik Holm Production- - NOR U svennern Spk
79 31.83 124.6624 Kai Smedstuen Production- S NOR U Sarpsborg pistolklubb
80 31.18 122.1029 Trond Stenvik Production- - NOR U oliphant OKTS
81 29.29 114.7033 Patrick Svendsen Production- - NOR U LOP
82 19.90 77.9215 Stine Stapelfeldt Production- L NOR U
83 18.73 73.3608 Carl-Frederik Andreassen Production- - NOR U SSL
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