First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 600.0000 Terje Finsrud Open+ - NOR U getaway MPK
2 88.41 530.4857 Frank Sandås Open+ - NOR GM celeritas OKTS
3 83.34 500.0108 Richard Solberg Open+ - NOR M carburetti MPK
4 82.32 493.9459 Steinar Haugli Standard+ - NOR U shaugli BPK
5 81.73 490.3833 Bjarne Larning Open+ - SWE U bjarne VSD
6 80.60 483.6276 Tåle Johnstad Open+ - NOR U mrsti HPS
7 80.55 483.3017 Odd Strengenes Standard- - NOR U oddman Hamar Praktiske Skyttere
8 79.64 477.8368 Lars Syversen Standard+ - NOR U iceman67 Hamar Praktiske Skyttere
9 78.91 473.4353 Frede Stenslie Standard- - NOR U remrand HPS
10 76.53 459.1751 Roger Johansen Open+ - NOR U rojoha38 MPK
11 75.69 454.1612 Anders Nerheim Open+ - NOR B magicmike OKTS
12 72.53 435.1857 Carlo Comi Standard+ - NOR U axxo Moss pistolklubb
13 72.32 433.8978 Tor Ketil Krogh Olsen Production- - NOR M torpompido HPS
14 71.55 429.3186 Robert Börjesson Standard- - SWE U rob79 GPIF
15 70.49 422.9667 Markus Alvestad Standard+ - NOR U maxks Moss PK
16 70.22 421.3050 Thomas Nordvi Production- - NOR A tnor LOP
17 68.32 409.8991 Trond Nessæter Open+ - NOR B trevil KPK
18 67.19 403.1511 Dag Flodin Open+ S NOR U orion SPK
19 67.01 402.0486 Christoffer Erichsen Standard+ - NOR U VVS
20 65.77 394.6257 Hilde Nakling Standard+ L NOR U hilde MPK
21 65.63 393.7691 Rino olsen Classic- - NOR U rinos MPK
22 65.10 390.5828 Jonas Forslund Standard+ - SWE U forsis Skepplanda SF
23 64.32 385.9092 Morten Kildahl Open+ - NOR U moki LOP
24 64.00 384.0231 Folke Myrvang Production- S NOR A folkem NOP
25 62.91 377.4370 Frank Gulli Production- - NOR U fgulli HPS
26 62.43 374.5619 Ronny Røise Standard- - NOR B Gjøvik Pistol Klubb
27 61.99 371.9107 Torgeir Rui Open+ - NOR U slemmo OFS
28 61.73 370.3819 Espen Skancke Fiskebeck Production- - NOR A esp1 NOP
29 60.99 365.9556 Tore Haugli Standard- - NOR B thaugli NOP
30 60.77 364.6028 Håkon Myklebust Production- - NOR B bamse OKTS
31 60.65 363.9233 Jens Berentzen Production- - NOR B berentz NOP
32 60.45 362.6716 Bjørn Skjønhaug Open+ - NOR D scaniav8 Moss Pistol Klubb
33 60.41 362.4723 Kjetil Sletsjøe Svendsen Production- - NOR A mcready OKTS
34 60.00 360.0161 Lene Olaug Kråkø Standard+ L NOR U diligentia OKTS
35 58.92 353.5065 Henrik Dahlen Production- - NOR B dahlai Ringerike PK
36 58.72 352.3452 Svein Helge Hennum Production- S NOR B hennumen OFS
37 58.63 351.7725 Inge Wold Open+ - NOR U invaderzim LOP
38 58.38 350.2761 Tor-Anders Johansen Open+ - NOR U panzerknacker SSL Oslo/SPK
39 57.81 346.8463 Aleksander Stanisic Standard+ - NOR C jegern OKTS
40 57.32 343.9421 Dariusz Kowalczyk Open+ - NOR U darko OKTS
41 57.13 342.8011 Svein Erik Eliassen Production- - NOR C fluffybunnyfeet HPK
42 56.79 340.7644 Ole Andreas Nordrum Production- - NOR U Tønsberg og omeng pistolklubb
43 56.27 337.5904 Joakim Lied Haga Production- - NOR U bambibabe NOP
44 56.01 336.0641 Kjetil Rødne Standard- - NOR C kjetil HPS
45 56.00 336.0093 Simen Amundsen Production- - NOR B siam LOP
46 55.81 334.8728 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- - NOR B joakimgr BPK
47 55.08 330.4729 Tony Wendelklint Production- - SWE U klintan GPIF
48 55.03 330.1633 Jo Torgeir Skjerdal Production- - NOR U goggen SKIPP
49 54.97 329.8149 Atle Arvesen Standard+ S NOR U lefty L.O.P
50 54.37 326.1999 Carl Danielson Production- - SWE U kexet KPSK
51 54.26 325.5515 Terje Akselsen Production- - NOR B cmrta Vikane Skydeselskab
52 54.06 324.3829 Erik Jahnsen Classic- - NOR B doublemike OKTS
53 52.24 313.4673 Sondre Strømdahl Production- - NOR U NOP
54 51.84 311.0408 Lars Flugstad Production- S NOR C larsflugstad OKTS
55 51.53 309.1739 Jan Fredrik Berggrav Production- - NOR U SSL
56 51.25 307.4712 Kenneth Gaustadsæter Open- - NOR C kgaustad Hps
57 51.02 306.1217 Øystein Tørre Standard- - NOR U torre NPK
58 50.68 304.1005 Stian Arnesen Production- - NOR U mikealot SPK
59 49.84 299.0689 Ben Øye Standard+ - NOR U
60 49.56 297.3698 Jon Andersen Standard- - NOR D zapffe Hokksund PK
61 49.28 295.6551 Milo Stanisic Waagaard Standard+ - NOR U huntern OKTS
62 48.81 292.8875 Geir Kvam Production- - NOR U czy TOP
63 48.77 292.6240 Karl-Inge Hanssen Production- S NOR C snowyturtle MPK
64 48.42 290.5202 Jens Arvei Production- - NOR U Svelvik sportsskyttere
65 48.34 290.0539 Roar Bredvei Hauge Production- - NOR U enygma Farris Sportskyttere
66 48.04 288.2292 Rebecca Flugstad Production- L NOR C rebeccafl OKTS
67 47.37 284.2453 John Sørbo Production- - NOR C joso ASK (Asker Skyteklubb)
68 47.27 283.6288 Erik Tønnessen Production- - NOR U sig551 OKTS
69 47.15 282.9257 Kenneth Volden Standard- - NOR U saksit Lågen sportskyttere
70 46.83 280.9550 Brynjulv Afdal Revolver+ S NOR A graakall SKI
71 46.18 277.0804 Anders Hansen Standard- - NOR U SPK
72 46.13 276.7580 Knut Øystein Bilden Production- S NOR D knutte62 LOP
73 46.05 276.3165 Freddie Thörn Production- - SWE U boxen Sarpsborg pistolklubb
74 45.91 275.4716 Magnus Aasehaug Production- - NOR U tigergutt ssl
75 45.81 274.8486 Eystein Leren Production- - NOR U eystein NOP
76 45.51 273.0740 tom solberg Classic- S NOR B tomen ssl
77 44.87 269.2143 Lars Petter Mostad Production- - NOR C lpm OKTS
78 44.14 264.8611 Jon Regbo Production- - NOR U stalkerpro OKTS
79 43.77 262.6066 Henrik Hornemann Production- - NOR D farmer1 RPK
80 43.56 261.3827 Per Vangsnes Standard+ S NOR U perv SSL
81 43.32 259.9320 Eindride Stien Classic+ S NOR U norse OKTS
82 42.89 257.3213 Gaute Hagen Production- - NOR U LOP
83 42.79 256.7120 Alexander Bugge Production- - NOR U buggea Bjørkelangen Pistolklubb
84 42.74 256.4310 Roy Thorud Production- - NOR C royth NOP
85 42.62 255.7099 Frode Olufsen Production- - NOR U OKTS
86 42.44 254.6355 Elling Hvaale Production- - NOR U grimm kpk
87 42.31 253.8884 Even Stien Production- J NOR U eveny OKTS
88 42.11 252.6390 Kenneth Nøsterud Production- - NOR U OKTS
89 41.93 251.5609 Kjetil Edvardsen Production- - NOR U madmax NOP
90 41.92 251.5387 Johan Dahl Production- - SWE U afdahl VSD
91 41.78 250.6870 Rolf Meum Classic- S NOR C spitfire18 SSL
92 41.39 248.3300 Frank Tidemann Standard+ - NOR U frankofobia SSL
93 41.38 248.2730 Pål Andre Røkeberg Standard- - NOR U frankcastle Hokksund PistolKlubb
94 39.85 239.1138 Alexander Gogstad. Larsen Production- - NOR U FSS
95 39.73 238.3600 Palle Sørensen Production- - NOR U panzerpalle L.o.p.
96 39.49 236.9131 Alexander Heetmøller Production- - NOR U Lillestrøm og Omegn Pistolklubb
97 38.46 230.7402 Trond Erik Sandviken Production- - NOR U Okts
98 38.12 228.7125 Sveinung Hegna Open+ - NOR C hegna NPK
99 37.95 227.6969 Ole Morten Røed Standard- - NOR U ole MPK
100 37.59 225.5153 Tor Magnus Nygård Production- - NOR D shootonthemove LOP
101 36.88 221.2721 Øystein Kopsland Production- - NOR U Notodden
102 36.66 219.9817 Hugo Zimmermann Production- - NOR U Farris sportskytterlag dynamisk gruppe
103 36.23 217.3899 Kristian Førde Production- - NOR U Notodden PK
104 35.96 215.7655 Einar Johan Holst Open- S NOR U godtnok MPK
105 35.59 213.5580 Michel Duits Production- - NOR C SKI PK
106 34.59 207.5648 Lars Olavesen Classic+ - NOR U oldleo Spk
107 34.23 205.3997 Tony Renstrom Open- - NOR U montana Hokksund Pistolklubb
108 33.35 200.0934 Kristoffer Sundet Production- - NOR U kris Rådepistollag
109 32.77 196.6167 Kjell Idar Logan Production- - NOR D perulv MPK
110 32.01 192.0491 Øystein Tvedten Production- - NOR U maddog SSL
111 31.86 191.1614 Sverre Johan Enghaug Production- - NOR U Råde Pistollag
112 31.04 186.2219 Espen Opstad Production- - NOR U nukem TOP
113 30.85 185.1050 Arne Johan Holst Production- - NOR U Farrissportskyttere
114 30.76 184.5652 Tatiana Logan Production- L NOR D varulven MPK
115 30.48 182.8791 Marianne Barbo Standard- L NOR U svi4infinity SSL Oslo
116 30.01 180.0420 Harald Syse Production- - NOR U syse LOP
117 29.28 175.7061 Thorbjørn Hanssen Production- - NOR U tbear Lillestrøm og Omegn Pistolklubb
118 28.23 169.3897 Sissel Rørvik Production- L NOR U pennyless SPK
119 27.33 163.9695 Jonathan Kennedy Production- - NOR U kellen RPK
120 24.36 146.1524 Svein Erik Holm Production- - NOR U svennern Spk
121 23.77 142.6018 Ingri Eide Production- L NOR U HPK
122 21.40 128.3823 Kai Smedstuen Production- S NOR U Sarpsborg pistolklubb
123 21.32 127.9016 Stine Stapelfeldt Production- L NOR U
124 21.16 126.9832 Svein Øyvind Syse Production- - NOR U Lillestrøm omgn pistol klubb
125 19.89 119.3194 Fredrik Sveen Nygaard Production- S NOR U ringerikepisto klubb
126 19.21 115.2848 Anders Gunbjornsen Production- SS NOR U andiz RPK
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