results for MPK/OKTS winter cup R6

Open Standard Production Classic Combined Compare statistics results return
First name
Last name
1 100.00 556.3701 Even Skaarer Production- - NOR U NOP
2 98.60 548.6040 Hans Petter Kvarsnes Production- - NOR U hanspetter Hps
3 94.33 524.8012 Tor Ketil Krogh Olsen Production- - NOR A torpompido HPS
4 92.25 513.2395 Espen S Fiskebeck Production- - NOR A esp1 NOP
5 90.38 502.8442 Thomas Nordvi Production- - NOR A tnor LOP
6 88.13 490.3362 Håkon Myklebust Production- - NOR B bamse OKTS
7 87.11 484.6375 Lars Aker Production- - NOR U aker Moss Pistolklubb
8 86.40 480.6915 Frank Gulli Production- - NOR C fgulli HPS
9 85.39 475.0744 Joakim Gulbrandsen Production- - NOR B joakimgr BPK
10 81.00 450.6868 Simen Amundsen Production- - NOR B siam LOP
11 80.08 445.5486 Kjetil Sletsjøe Svendsen Production- - NOR A mcready OKTS
12 79.29 441.1563 Henrik Dahlen Production- - NOR B dahlai Ringerike PK
13 75.99 422.7734 Svein Erik Eliassen Production- - NOR U fluffybunnyfeet HPK
14 74.17 412.6758 Folke Myrvang Production- S NOR A folkem NOP
15 73.58 409.4035 Kjetil Haugmoen Kjøndal Production- - NOR C kjetilhk Farris Sportsskyttere/OKTS
16 72.77 404.8502 Cecilia Lindberg Production- L SWE U chitchi GPIF
17 72.65 404.2179 Mads Amundsen Production- - NOR C madamund LOP
18 72.37 402.6323 Geir Herdal Production- - NOR C geiros NOP
19 72.23 401.8501 Jens Berentzen Production- - NOR B berentz NOP
20 71.92 400.1667 John Sørbo Production- - NOR C joso ASK (Asker Skyteklubb)
21 71.16 395.9009 Stian Arnesen Production- - NOR C mikealot SPK
22 70.71 393.3985 Tor Erik Mikalsen Production- - NOR U torsa MPK
23 70.47 392.0780 Lars Flugstad Production- S NOR U larsflugstad OKTS
24 69.72 387.9251 Svein Helge Hennum Production- S NOR B hennumen OFS
25 69.63 387.4221 Andreas Hamre Production- - NOR U hamre NOP
26 69.43 386.2754 Trond Løkke Production- - NOR C tchl OKTS
27 67.92 377.9070 Jørn Nergård Production- - NOR U formann LOP
28 66.34 369.0819 Kristian Førde Production- - NOR U Notodden PK
29 66.29 368.8376 Eystein Leren Production- - NOR U eystein NOP
30 66.22 368.4555 Øivind Johnsen Production- S NOR C ojoh Moss PK
31 64.47 358.6754 Magnus Aasehaug Production- - NOR U tigergutt SSL
32 64.30 357.7481 Geir Kvam Production- - NOR U czy TOP
33 63.41 352.8136 Ben Øye Production- - NOR U
34 62.94 350.1899 Knut Øystein Bilden Production- S NOR C knutte62 LOP
35 62.79 349.3682 Stein Johnstad Production- - NOR U HPS
36 62.58 348.1531 Karl-Inge Hanssen Production- S NOR C snowyturtle MPK
37 62.53 347.9145 Carl Danielson Production- - SWE U kexet KPSK
38 62.30 346.6173 Alexander Gogstad. Larsen Production- - NOR U atlantaalex FSS
39 61.97 344.8081 Gaute Hagen Production- - NOR U gha LOP
40 61.89 344.3158 Alexander Malerbakken Production- - NOR U koop Asker Skyteklubb
41 60.78 338.1774 Henrik Hornemann Production- - NOR C farmer1 RPK
42 59.39 330.4541 Olav Soldal Production- - NOR C soldal ASK
43 59.02 328.3869 Kjell Idar Logan Production- - NOR C perulv MPK
44 58.94 327.9287 Terje Syversen Production- - NOR U MPK
45 58.72 326.6804 Even Stien Production- J NOR U eveny OKTS
46 58.57 325.8527 Per Arild Gulichsen Production- - NOR U råde Pistollag
47 58.38 324.8199 Bjørn Rollheim Production- S NOR U bas NOP
48 58.30 324.3594 Jan Stian Fiskerstrand Production- - NOR U slowfeet NVSL
49 57.96 322.4663 Ole Andreas Nordrum Production- - NOR U Tønsberg og omeng pistolklubb
50 56.13 312.2662 Roar Bredvei Hauge Production- - NOR U enygma Farris Sportskyttere
51 55.47 308.6437 Hugo Zimmermann Production- - NOR U iceman73 Farris sportskytterlag dynamisk gruppe
52 54.75 304.6240 Espen Opstad Production- - NOR U nukem TOP
53 54.62 303.9128 Jon Szulist Production- - NOR U MPK
54 54.32 302.2277 Rebecca Flugstad Production- L NOR B rebeccafl OKTS
55 53.69 298.6980 Andreas Lebesby Production- - NOR U vikane/NROF SØNDRE ØSTFOLD
56 53.68 298.6870 Kenneth Nøsterud Production- - NOR U kenost OKTS
57 52.26 290.7458 Per Jostein Backe Production- - NOR U Vikane skyteselskap
58 52.22 290.5629 Trond Erik Sandviken Production- - NOR U sandvik1 Okts
59 52.19 290.3576 Stian Lund Haugestad Production- - NOR U lund OKTS
60 51.93 288.9013 Erik Sivertsen Production- - NOR U hybris HOP
61 51.72 287.7703 Helge Nedreberg Production- - NOR U stryn Lop
62 51.52 286.6546 Marius Engebraaten Production- - NOR U HPS
63 51.36 285.7516 Kai Smedstuen Production- S NOR U Sarpsborg pistolklubb
64 50.25 279.5607 Roy Thorud Production- - NOR C royth NOP
65 50.19 279.2645 André Holt Production- - NOR U M.P.K
66 49.03 272.8050 Sverre Johan Enghaug Production- - NOR U Råde Pistollag
67 48.55 270.1219 Øystein Kopsland Production- - NOR U Notodden
68 48.34 268.9326 Tor Magnus Nygård Production- - NOR D shootonthemove LOP
69 48.03 267.2183 Øystein Tvedten Production- - NOR U maddog SSL
70 46.95 261.1989 Trond Lien Production- - NOR U slopy Holmestrand PK
71 46.52 258.7980 Thorbjørn Hanssen Production- - NOR U tbear Lillestrøm og Omegn Pistolklubb
72 46.07 256.3063 Patrick Svendsen Production- - NOR U LOP
73 44.67 248.5136 Magnus Skånøy Production- - NOR U
74 43.87 244.0594 Anders Gunbjornsen Production- SS NOR U andiz RPK
75 41.01 228.1661 Kristoffer Sundet Production- - NOR U kriz Rådepistollag
76 40.89 227.4766 Jan Olav Stangeland Production- - NOR U stjanolav Asker Skyteklubb
77 40.71 226.4974 Anders Sigstad Production- - NOR U LOP
78 39.41 219.2799 Tatiana Logan Production- L NOR D varulven MPK
79 34.71 193.0885 Andreas Kjøniksen Production- - NOR U Moss Pistolklubb
80 33.76 187.8198 Jaran Raymond Wood Production- - NOR U OKTS
81 33.27 185.0802 Svein Erik Holm Production- - NOR U svennern Spk
82 30.94 172.1202 Sissel Rørvik Production- L NOR U pennyless SPK
83 29.84 165.9960 Albert Bolstad Production- - NOR U albolsi OKTS
84 28.92 160.8904 Gunn Hege Høgberg Production- L NOR U OKTS
85 27.45 152.7514 Eirin Grøtan Kirknes Production- L NOR U kigrei Asker Skyteklubb
86 25.92 144.1863 Stine Stapelfeldt Production- L NOR U ladysteel
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