results for CUP(

Standard Production Classic Combined Compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 211.3071 Albert Wessels Classic- - ZAF U
2 72.45 153.0949 Jurgens Schoeman Production- - ZAF U Skietbaan
3 68.61 144.9798 Malcolm Smith Standard- - ZAF U
4 67.09 141.7565 Lin Yu-Hsiang Standard- - USA U
5 65.28 137.9393 Danie Swanepoel Standard- - ZAF U
6 62.26 131.5563 Chen Yen Hsaing(Eric) Standard- - ZAF U
7 61.36 129.6639 Ian Chen Classic+ - USA U
8 55.25 116.7377 Tazio Resca Production- - ZAF U
9 52.71 111.3840 Marcia Resca Standard- - ZAF U
10 41.31 87.2965 Lukas Janse van Rensburg Production- - ZAF U trigger Vektor
11 37.66 79.5726 Ian Carr Classic+ S ZAF U PPSC, Premier, Skietbaan
12 33.94 71.7237 Edwin Vermeulen Standard- - ZAF U Skiet Baan
13 32.61 68.9050 Johan Horn Production- - ZAF U
14 28.74 60.7214 Jaco Van Deventer Production- - ZAF U
15 27.77 58.6780 Christo De Lange Production- - ZAF U
16 27.10 57.2576 Gwen Denton Standard- - ZAF U
17 26.64 56.3011 Rohan Van Der Merwe Production- - ZAF U rohan Skietbaan
18 15.60 32.9627 Craig Patrick Production- - ZAF U Skietbaan
19 1.07 2.2664 Ockert Kanis Standard- - ZAF U
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