results for CUP(

Standard Production Classic Combined Compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 197.7388 Jurgens Schoeman Production- - ZAF U Skietbaan
2 77.75 153.7511 Tazio Resca Production- - ZAF U
3 53.07 104.9397 Lukas Janse van Rensburg Production- - ZAF U trigger Vektor
4 45.11 89.1947 Johan Horn Production- - ZAF U
5 40.35 79.7908 Jaco Van Deventer Production- - ZAF U
6 39.69 78.4880 Christo De Lange Production- - ZAF U
7 37.82 74.7885 Rohan Van Der Merwe Production- - ZAF U rohan Skietbaan
8 22.34 44.1837 Craig Patrick Production- - ZAF U Skietbaan
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