results for CUP(

Standard Production Classic Combined Compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 280.0000 Jurgens Schoeman Classic+ - ZAF U Skietbaan
2 73.04 204.5028 Victor Bands Standard+ - ZAF U
3 70.70 197.9645 Dimitri Mourtzios Production- - ZAF U Skietbaan
4 66.77 186.9673 Ian Carr Classic+ S ZAF U PPSC, Premier, Skietbaan
5 65.92 184.5698 Adriaan Marais Standard+ - ZAF U Skietbaan
6 64.60 180.8929 Francois Scheffer Standard+ - ZAF U
7 61.56 172.3714 Danie Swanepoel Standard- - ZAF U
8 59.55 166.7318 Rohan Van Der Merwe Production- S ZAF U rohan
9 57.68 161.4948 Richard Eales Classic+ - USA U Premier
10 56.94 159.4321 Jaco Van Deventer Production- - ZAF U Skietbaan
11 53.89 150.8909 Tino Van Der Schyff Classic- - ZAF U
12 53.04 148.5147 George Hakim Production- S ZAF U george
13 51.22 143.4034 Christo De Lange Production- - ZAF U
14 16.23 45.4547 Wesley Buck Production- - ZAF U
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