First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 1165.4120 Lars Hagemann Production- S DNK GM hagemann Nordic shooting Academy
2 95.93 1117.9731 Niclas Dal Production- S SWE U nickeklick SPSF (Södertäljepolisens Skytteförening)
3 91.27 1063.7297 Søren Larsen Production- S DNK U wessel Ssin
4 76.22 888.2816 Dennis Martlev Production- S DNK U smartlev CPS
5 70.85 825.6774 Øivind Johnsen Production- S NOR C ojoh Moss PK
6 45.65 531.9912 Ole Breiner Production- S DNK U Slagelse Skytteforening
7 40.38 470.6061 Bertil Nilsson Production- S SWE U grinchen MSG
8 39.28 457.8221 Kai Smedstuen Production- S NOR U Sarpsborg pistolklubb
9 19.64 228.8495 Claus Guldfeldt Production- S DNK U claus57 CPS
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