First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 457.7582 Eric Carlsson Production- - SWE U ericar Torups PK
2 89.13 407.9829 Patrik Gren Production- - SWE U badboy SGD
3 87.01 398.2838 Fredrik Jacobsson Production- - SWE U frejac01 Security Group Dynamics
4 86.49 395.9334 Jens Lindström Lönn Production- - SWE U ulvhedin Security Group Dynamics
5 83.68 383.0337 Hans Holmqvist Production- - SWE U hasseh Security Group Dynamics
6 80.88 370.2230 Johan Ström Production- - SWE U strom Linköping Shooting Club
7 78.77 360.5601 Rickard Gustafsson Production- - SWE U rickswe VDS
8 75.79 346.9163 Anders Ekeberg Production- - SWE U eken71 Security group dynamics
9 74.38 340.5023 Patrik Hållpås Standard- - SWE U patrik Security Group Dynamics
10 73.58 336.7962 Erik Lennmarken Production- - SWE U Security Group Dynamics
11 71.63 327.8747 Mats Ekeberg Production- - SWE U oakmountain Security group dynamic
12 59.52 272.4627 Johan Andersson Standard- - SWE U dykarjohan Security Group Dynamics
13 54.34 248.7488 martin jarlenäs Production- - SWE U marra79 SGD Borås
14 49.77 227.8090 Daniel Grubb Production- - SWE U dag Security Group Dynamics
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