First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 385.0988 Florian Breidenbach Standard+ - DEU U 1473 Bonn
2 96.21 370.5131 Holger Haas Production- - DEU U
3 88.56 341.0400 Wolfgang Reicherz Production- - DEU U 31337
4 82.03 315.8992 Daniel Richter Production- - DEU U FNR2K16
5 78.56 302.5359 Simon Rediger Standard- - DEU U
6 77.84 299.7608 Michael Enkel Standard+ - DEU U 1473 Bonn
7 77.02 296.6074 Lukas Opp Standard- - DEU U Isenberg Sportschützen Hattingen
8 77.02 296.5956 Stephan Kohls Standard- - DEU U VDSF 1979 e.V.
9 73.38 282.5750 Götz Lauterbach Production- - DEU U SSC DUISBURG
10 71.89 276.8505 Simon Tendick Standard+ - DEU U
11 69.86 269.0470 Michael Schindewolf Production- - DEU U 1473 Bonn
12 67.74 260.8476 Sebastian Czichy Standard- - DEU U
13 66.86 257.4713 Bernd Gimpel Production- S DEU U Magnum
14 63.82 245.7764 Björn Poblotzki Classic+ - DEU U
15 63.58 244.8414 Jörg Baumann Classic- - DEU U 1473 Bonn
16 61.99 238.7328 Burkhard Keidel Standard- S DEU U
17 59.04 227.3772 Christian Weber Production- - DEU U
18 56.41 217.2362 Robert Walbröhl Production- - DEU U ASC e.V.
19 56.32 216.8850 Chris Kann Production- - DEU U 1473
20 53.60 206.4024 Andreas Becker Standard- - DEU U FNR 2K16
21 53.39 205.6039 Bastian Schulz Production- - DEU U FNR2K
22 48.48 186.7105 Alexander Kenfenheuer Production- S DEU U 1473 Bonn
23 47.96 184.7004 Anton Gramatkin Standard- - DEU U Squot 5
24 47.39 182.4834 Sven Schmidt Production- - DEU U FNR2K16
25 45.11 173.7209 Andreas Fussenecker Classic+ - DEU U SSV Gelderland
26 44.80 172.5109 Torsten Bingener Production- S DEU U ASC
27 44.15 170.0201 Oliver Huber Classic+ S DEU U
28 43.92 169.1491 Max Huber Classic+ - DEU U
29 41.10 158.2825 Volker Schmidt Production- S DEU U ASC e.V., Bonn
30 39.40 151.7102 Janusz Michalik Standard- SS DEU U IPSC Team Rheinberg
31 37.59 144.7558 Janis Becker Custom- J DEU U FNR 2K16
32 34.71 133.6678 Ingo Foster Production- - DEU U
33 34.32 132.1604 Jens Hochreuter Standard- SS DEU U Magnum Bonn
34 25.14 96.8053 Chris Steg Production- - DEU U Friday Night Shooter 2016
35 22.69 87.3684 Christoph Noga Classic- - DEU U VFS
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