First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 387.6040 Holger Haas Production- - DEU U
2 92.11 357.0142 Wolfgang Reicherz Production- - DEU U 31337
3 85.14 330.0011 Daniel Richter Production- - DEU U FNR2K16
4 75.95 294.3671 Götz Lauterbach Production- - DEU U SSC DUISBURG
5 72.97 282.8423 Michael Schindewolf Production- - DEU U 1473 Bonn
6 68.96 267.2784 Bernd Gimpel Production- S DEU U Magnum
7 60.97 236.3073 Christian Weber Production- - DEU U
8 59.36 230.0836 Robert Walbröhl Production- - DEU U ASC e.V.
9 58.93 228.4170 Chris Kann Production- - DEU U 1473
10 55.71 215.9411 Bastian Schulz Production- - DEU U FNR2K
11 51.05 197.8563 Alexander Kenfenheuer Production- S DEU U 1473 Bonn
12 49.89 193.3886 Sven Schmidt Production- - DEU U FNR2K16
13 47.39 183.7032 Torsten Bingener Production- S DEU U ASC
14 43.81 169.8165 Volker Schmidt Production- S DEU U ASC e.V., Bonn
15 35.32 136.8956 Ingo Foster Production- - DEU U
16 26.56 102.9393 Chris Steg Production- - DEU U Friday Night Shooter 2016
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