First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 685.4342 Stefan Ekstedt Production- S SWE U steeks VDS
2 89.43 612.9705 Niclas Dal Production- S SWE U nickeklick SPSF (Södertäljepolisens Skytteförening)
3 85.80 588.1080 Stefan Johannesson Production- S SWE U st3f4n GPIF
4 81.33 557.4403 Mikael Olsson Production- S SWE U mikols14 GPIF
5 63.46 435.0047 John JM Prpic Production- S SWE U josen East Coast Dynamic Shooters
6 57.71 395.5422 Anders Hedvalls Production- S SWE U LVF
7 46.86 321.1894 Torbjörn Gebrat Production- S SWE U elperegrino Roslagens PS
8 43.87 300.6660 Lars Andreasson Production- S SWE U land Örlogsberga skf
9 39.31 269.4299 Sven Storgärds Production- S SWE U sstorgards Uppsala DS
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