First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 444.3214 Håvard Østgaard Mini Rifle Standard - NOR U haavos Agdenes Pistolklubb
2 84.65 376.1377 Tor Olav Nordgård Mini Rifle Standard - NOR U ostore APK
3 82.85 368.1278 Lars Selven Mini Rifle Standard - NOR U lsel Agdenes PistolKlubb
4 76.72 340.8927 Kenneth Handberg Mini Rifle Standard - NOR U kingcrab APK
5 64.23 285.3684 Thomas Larsen Mini Rifle Standard - NOR U TFS
6 61.42 272.8954 Jan Erik Fladseth Mini Rifle Standard - NOR U APK
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