First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 421.5863 Mikkel Moland Production- - NOR U molifox Moss PK
2 99.99 421.5445 Lars Aker Production- - NOR U aker Moss Pistolklubb
3 74.98 316.1065 Tor Erik Mikalsen Production- S NOR U MPK
4 66.35 279.7059 Martin Wingaard Production- - NOR U
5 62.78 264.6663 Gunnar Lie Sandbæk Production- - NOR U
6 57.09 240.6978 Tony Raffelsen Production- - NOR U Lillestrøm og omegn pistolklubb
7 56.77 239.3294 Terje Syversen Production- - NOR U MPK
8 54.79 230.9917 Patrick Svendsen Production- - NOR U LOP
9 36.98 155.8900 Terje Hyttebakk Production- - NOR U
10 36.95 155.7893 Martine Argentina Gjeterud Hasvold Production- - NOR U
11 16.41 69.2020 Trond Larsen Production- - NOR U
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