First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 615.2539 Robert Söderström Production- - SWE U dvc73 MSG
2 82.93 510.2280 Mats Karlsson Production- - SWE U yaps P7 Dynamiska (& MSG)
3 79.38 488.3702 Søren Larsen Production- S DNK U wessel Ssin
4 76.25 469.1346 Christian Ditlev Jensen Production- - DNK U stagebum Copenhagen Practical Shooters
5 72.37 445.2357 Lars Hagemann Production- S DNK GM hagemann Nordic shooting Academy
6 71.46 439.6600 Carl Schultze Production- - SWE U schultze MSG
7 70.51 433.8083 Roberth Friberg Production- - SWE U fribbe Kullens Pk
8 66.52 409.2848 Selcuk Kahraman Production- - DNK U SAS
9 66.33 408.1000 Flemming Jensen Production- - DNK U snestorm
10 65.67 404.0162 Jonas Ardemalm Production- - SWE U ard KullensPK
11 65.65 403.8845 Joakim Sand Production- - SWE U hamnarbetaren MSG
12 65.36 402.1563 Peter Olsen Mertz Production- - DNK U mertz CPS
13 65.09 400.4634 Peter Ardemalm Production- - SWE U snakeeye KullensPK
14 64.66 397.8176 Ulf Bjelkengren Production- - SWE U uffeb Malmö
15 61.34 377.3690 Magnus Lindskog Production- - SWE U messer MSG Dynamiska
16 60.97 375.0960 Jacob Larsen Production- - DNK U mechanic SSIN / Nyk, Sj
17 60.46 372.0012 Richard Hansson Production- - SWE U Msg
18 54.99 338.3405 Joakim Bossner Production- - SWE U bossner Kullens PK
19 54.15 333.1491 Jimmy Andersson Production- - SWE U Växjö PK
20 53.95 331.9066 Sofia Dohmen Production- L SWE U sofia GDS
21 53.88 331.4718 Bertil Nilsson Production- S SWE U grinchen MSG
22 53.74 330.6648 Frederic Nilsson Production- - SWE U scorpan MLSG
23 52.58 323.4948 Bo Nilsson Production- S SWE U boskog msg
24 52.35 322.0967 Mats Ahlqvist Production- S SWE U matti MSG
25 51.63 317.6543 Kristian Söderström Production- - SWE U macmyran Torup PK
26 51.59 317.4374 Niclas Fröhberg Production- - SWE U kbv07 Malmö
27 50.74 312.1788 Roger Bosson Production- - SWE U bosson Kullens PK
28 50.61 311.4008 Emanuel NotKnown Production- - SWE U MSG Malmö
29 50.20 308.8420 Jonas Olsson Production- - SWE U jo69 Linköping Shooting Club
30 49.70 305.7617 Filip Mårtensson Production- - SWE U fippe Ystads Dynamiska SKF
31 49.57 305.0114 Jonathan Jönsson Production- - SWE U P7 SKIF
32 48.75 299.9074 Daniel Denwood Production- - SWE U doubledelta Kullens PK
33 48.54 298.6157 Thomas Persson Production- - SWE U pezon JPK
34 48.13 296.1381 Henrik Hellman Production- - SWE U houke MSG Dynamiska
35 46.91 288.5872 Patrik Carlsson Production- - SWE U modestyblaise Malmö Skyttegille
36 45.30 278.6960 Kristoffer Hansen Production- - SWE U hansen777 msg
37 45.09 277.3983 Kristina Nilsson Production- L SWE U slowfox MSG
38 44.52 273.9390 Steve Carlson Production- - SWE U steve Kullens PK
39 43.65 268.5643 Daniel Lindström Production- - SWE U daniellindstrom P7 Dynamiska
40 43.56 267.9772 Örjan Lindgren Production- - SWE U banarne357 MSG
41 43.52 267.7602 Jhonny Blom Production- - SWE U jhonnyrehab Ystads Dskf
42 43.09 265.1376 Dennis Martlev Production- S DNK U smartlev CPS
43 42.40 260.8408 Jens Borg Production- - SWE U swedenborg Laholms Pistolskytteklubb
44 41.95 258.1008 Tomas Hellström Production- - SWE U hellstorm MSG
45 41.25 253.7991 Dan Andersson Production- S SWE U Växjö PK
46 40.54 249.4400 Ivan Markus Production- - SWE U smulan MSG
47 40.28 247.8310 Kim Brink Production- - SWE U brink Kullens pk
48 40.17 247.1225 Martin Sundgren Production- - SWE U sundgren Laholm
49 39.40 242.4265 John Bauer Production- - SWE U MSG
50 39.31 241.8447 Jesper Strand Production- - SWE U P7 Dynamiska
51 39.28 241.6597 Per Ekelund Production- - SWE U ekis Malmö Skyttegille
52 39.16 240.9249 Gerry Dahlgren Production- SS SWE U kgd52 Caliber 44 SKF
53 38.84 238.9697 Patrik Armbäck Production- - SWE U armisch Kullens PK
54 38.25 235.3348 Stefan Övergaard Production- - SWE U ghostgaard Kullens PK
55 38.00 233.7825 Cornelia Eriksson Production- - SWE U SKIF
56 37.15 228.5566 Håkan Salvall Production- - SWE U salis MGS Dynamiska
57 37.09 228.1717 Kenneth NotKnown Production- - SWE U MSG MALMÖ
58 36.48 224.4367 Christoffer Thander Production- - SWE U East Coast Dynamic Shooters
59 35.03 215.5142 Jonas Ljung Production- - SWE U P7 Dynamiska
60 28.99 178.3552 Dorothea Denwood Production- - SWE U dorothea Kullens PK
61 27.67 170.2572 Robert Andersson Production- - SWE U P7 Dynamiska
62 25.95 159.6784 Jonas Månsson Production- - SWE U laroy Kullens pk
63 23.46 144.3432 William Sörensson Production- J SWE U MSG
64 9.92 61.0322 Peter Lundberg Production- - SWE U astorx MSG
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