First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 550.1005 Marc Lauwers Production- S BEL U HSV
2 89.78 493.8674 Pierre Brochard Production- S BEL U pibro TGS
3 87.27 480.0819 Gerard Albert Production- S BEL U EBSA
4 84.27 463.5585 Luc Dessart Production- S BEL U EBSA
5 82.47 453.6593 Joel De Mezel Production- S BEL U La Defence
6 75.09 413.0868 Emmanuel Gerard Production- S BEL U TGS
7 64.52 354.9286 Philippe Quintin Production- S BEL U TGS
8 63.98 351.9669 Michel De Witte Production- S BEL U TGS
9 60.29 331.6785 Christian Cauderlier Production- S BEL U CTF
10 56.16 308.9405 Jean-Jacques Deom Production- S BEL U EBSA
11 55.40 304.7525 Patrice Leporcq Production- S BEL U
12 52.18 287.0668 Jean-Michel Jansen Production- S BEL U EBSA
13 52.06 286.3932 Felicien Abrassart Production- S BEL U TGS
14 48.66 267.6856 Daniel Devos Production- S BEL U HSV
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