results for NOP Dynamisk Cup 2016 match. Runde 2

Production Production Senior Combined Compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 338.3032 Espen S Fiskebeck Production- - NOR A esp1 NOP
2 97.12 328.5527 Folke Myrvang Production- S NOR U folkem NOP
3 85.30 288.5845 Jens Berentzen Production- - NOR B berentz NOP
4 80.41 272.0263 Jan Erik Herregarden Production- - NOR U bangbang NOP
5 75.28 254.6787 Kjetil Edvardsen Production- - NOR U madmax NOP
6 73.58 248.9384 Tore Haugli Production- - NOR C thaugli NOP
7 69.38 234.7008 Kjetil Bergflødt Production- - NOR U duramaxer NOP
8 65.54 221.7354 Roy Thorud Production- - NOR U royth NOP
9 64.20 217.2059 Tormod Strand Production- S NOR C tormods NOP
10 61.89 209.3615 Aksel Gresvig Production- - NOR U NOP
11 61.55 208.2314 Andreas Hamre Production- - NOR U hamre NOP
12 61.42 207.7898 Bjørn Rollheim Production- S NOR U bas NOP
13 61.22 207.1110 Thor Andreas Grannæs Production- SS NOR U thorshammer NOP
14 60.40 204.3305 Geir Herdal Production- - NOR U geiros NOP
15 60.21 203.7089 Lars Elden Production- - NOR U NOP
16 59.81 202.3431 Eystein Leren Production- - NOR U eystein NOP
17 56.86 192.3426 Mikkel Amundsen Production- - NOR U mikkelrev NOP
18 49.29 166.7619 Kåre Gulliksen Production- - NOR U kgullik NOP
19 48.62 164.4985 Amalie Miko Jæger Production- L NOR D amiko Nop
20 47.47 160.5890 Marthin Engmann Production- - NOR U mareng NOP
21 46.51 157.3616 Claus Emil Haga Production- - NOR U
22 44.27 149.7789 Robert Ditlef Johansen Production- S NOR U bobbyjo NOP
23 44.18 149.4601 Daniel Sønstevold Production- S NOR D NOP
24 44.04 148.9728 Bjørn Erik Mathiesen Production- - NOR U duckpd NOP
25 37.58 127.1244 Hans Stokke Production- - NOR U landa NOP
26 31.65 107.0620 Stig Breivik Production- - NOR U kolibri NOP
27 26.33 89.0657 Henning Valen Production- S NOR U godteposen NOP
28 17.43 58.9562 Daniel Fyllingsnes Production- - NOR U hattifnatt NOP
29 13.97 47.2606 Trine Torsrud Production- - NOR U trinet NOP
30 13.19 44.6374 Erik Andreas Irgens Production- - NOR U erak
31 6.30 21.3202 Håkon Knappskog Production- - NOR U NOP
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