First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 655.0000 Johan Fredriksson Standard- - SWE U fredriksson Stockholms LVF
2 65.25 427.3965 Micke Ovesson Standard- - SWE U Kristianstads PK
3 59.86 392.1026 Enver Selimaj Standard- - SWE U flaka Kristianstad
4 58.16 380.9309 Magnus Sjögren Standard- - SWE U Kristianstads PK
5 56.21 368.1936 Olle Ahlström Standard- - SWE U stolle Jönköpings PK
6 55.77 365.2713 micke wessman Standard- S SWE U bigflash kpk
7 47.13 308.7215 Christofer Ramkvist Standard- S SWE U aklagare Kristianstad
8 43.99 288.1663 Thette Holmberg Standard- L SWE U misspurple Kristianstads PK
9 26.55 173.9276 Irene Jönsson Standard- L SWE U C4 IPSC
10 26.06 170.6978 Malin Paulsson Standard- L USA U
11 12.88 84.3506 Liselott Tuwesson Standard- L SWE U defacto IPSC Kristianstad
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