First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 619.2644 Jan Leth-Espensen Standard- S DNK U adhoc SSIN
2 97.45 603.4959 Kim Klarskov Jeppesen Standard- S DNK U SSIN
3 94.62 585.9494 Peter Kamp Standard- - DNK U Farum skytteforening
4 81.60 505.3358 Thomas Osbøl Sørensen Standard- - DNK U Ballerup
5 81.08 502.1089 Jan Hoyer Standard- - DNK U hoyer KS
6 79.73 493.7102 Jesper Paludan-Frederiksen Standard- - DNK U HSI
7 77.62 480.6904 Khaled Abdulkarim Standard- - DNK U Kjøbenhavns Skytteforening
8 71.98 445.7672 Aleksandar Duracov Standard- - DNK U ssin
9 69.36 429.5333 Finn Schroll Standard- - DNK U HSI
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