First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 546.5271 Jimmy Svensson Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U 9mm IPSC Örebro
2 90.70 495.6860 Johan Ström Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U strom Linköping Shooting Club
3 88.69 484.7055 Joakim Sand Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U hamnarbetaren MSG
4 85.09 465.0407 lars-tony skoog Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U skoogis spsk
5 80.21 438.3755 Mats Karlsson Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U yaps MSG
6 75.18 410.8796 Robin Östman Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U wox Sandvikens PSK
7 66.39 362.8551 Kai Rämö Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U kai Ärna Skyttegille
8 59.35 324.3616 Peter Karlsson Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U peka S:t Eskils Skyttar, Eskilstuna
9 57.17 312.4662 Tomas Frisell Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U frisse Stockholms Militära & Polisiära skytteförening
10 54.73 299.1052 Joakim Rudensten Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U jr528swed Linköping Shooting Club
11 50.81 277.6952 Niklas Eriksson Semi-Auto Limited+ - SWE U swe3675 IPSC Örebro
12 46.98 256.7507 Ivar Edfeldt Semi-Auto Limited- S SWE U revolverivar Ärna skyttegille
13 45.18 246.9077 Tobias Ekenstråle Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U GDS
14 44.69 244.2564 Stefan Eriksson Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U ster S:t Eskils Skyttar, Eskilstuna
15 38.84 212.2965 Anders Hansson Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U hansson1977 SPSF (Södertäljepolisens Skytteförening)
16 25.17 137.5358 Kai Koskinen Semi-Auto Limited+ S SWE U IPSC Örebro
17 0.00 0.0000 Thomas Hjelm Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U ipscnooben Torup
18 0.00 0.0000 Freddy Rosberg Semi-Auto Limited- - SWE U freddyr GDS
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