First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 673.3048 Kalle Halvarsson Production- - SWE U adhd Revolver Kalles Hemliga Klubb i Jämtland
2 99.06 666.9618 Johan Åström Open+ - SWE U a5trom BSSK
3 94.27 634.6964 Robert Johansson Production- - SWE U rj84 Sundsvalls PK
4 93.25 627.8388 Fredrik Lindén Open- - SWE U tacbeardedman BSSK
5 91.01 612.8069 Victor Svensson Production- - SWE U RJPS
6 83.61 562.9725 Adam Vikberg Production- - SWE U nitrohunter Bssk
7 82.94 558.4126 Mårten Sehlstedt Standard- S SWE U marten Skelleftea PSF
8 80.52 542.1594 Johnny Thörnquist Open- - SWE U yankee5 BSSK
9 75.01 505.0732 Stefan Öhman Production- - SWE U pricken RJPS
10 74.97 504.7683 Lars-Olof Halvarsson Production- - SWE U happyhunter RJPS
11 73.39 494.1598 Peter Andersson Production- - SWE U anderssonhp Republiken Jämtlands Praktiska Skyttar
12 72.77 489.9593 Björn Forsberg Production- - SWE U bunte Sundsvalls Dynamiska Skyttar - SPK
13 71.25 479.7051 Andreas Nordin Production- - SWE U sopan Gideå Pistol
14 71.07 478.5027 Jacob Lindblom Production- - SWE U jacobl BSSK
15 70.45 474.3122 Curt Själin Production- - SWE B curtis Lycksele DS
16 68.48 461.0898 Anton Öhlund Classic- - SWE U redde BSSK
17 68.08 458.3572 Peter Åberg Production- - SWE U peter Gideå Pistol
18 68.06 458.2753 Emil Holmfridsson Production- - SWE C holmfrid Lycksele DS
19 68.04 458.1251 Fredrik Gustafsson Production- - SWE U fredrikgustaf Lycksele DS
20 67.28 452.9693 Isak Essebro Production- - SWE U essebro Lycksele DS
21 66.55 448.1168 Magnus Söderberg Standard- - SWE U suntzu Bodens Sportskytteklubb
22 64.56 434.7183 Stefan Halvarsson Standard- - SWE U halvarsson Lycksele DS
23 64.01 430.9917 Martin Skoog Production- - SWE U RJPS
24 63.28 426.0397 Anton Johansson Standard- - SWE U anton78 umeå pk
25 62.54 421.0942 Jonas Ahlenius Production- - SWE U joahlenius Lycksele DS
26 62.22 418.9207 Fredrik Wikström Standard- - SWE U jamradar Skellefteå Psf
27 61.04 410.9700 Jörgen Karlfors Production- - SWE U xfive GIDEÅ PISTOL
28 59.96 403.6898 Peter Lönning Standard- - SWE U quizze Gideå PISTOL
29 57.89 389.7647 Mats Nordberg Standard- - SWE U matsn BSSK
30 55.34 372.6208 johan lidström Production- - SWE U steel umeå pk
31 55.01 370.4049 Mathias Johansson Production- - SWE U mathjo Lycksele DS
32 53.35 359.2318 Jon Essebro Production- - SWE U joness Lycksele DS
33 53.35 359.2270 Erik Lorentzson Standard- - SWE U erikku Umeå PK
34 53.32 358.9807 Emil Olofsson Revolver+ - SWE U 4176 Umeå PK
35 51.54 347.0033 Anders Segerbrant Production- - SWE U and1sh UPK
36 49.74 334.9223 Per-Anders Örnehult Production- - SWE U paole LDS
37 48.63 327.4206 Björn Lindfors Standard- S SWE U polarbjorn Umeå PK
38 48.53 326.7780 Markus Dannberg Open- - SWE U bula BSSK
39 47.99 323.1241 Martin Aronsson Production- - SWE U aronsson Lds
40 46.33 311.9394 Tom Silverklo Standard- - SWE U Rjps
41 46.12 310.5497 Lars Andersson Production- - SWE U RJPS
42 42.76 287.9232 jimmy heidenbeck Standard- - SWE U RJPS
43 42.40 285.4658 Dan Tiger Production- - SWE U tiger Rjps
44 40.61 273.4617 Karin Wiklund Production- L SWE U kwi Bergslagens Skyttar
45 40.24 270.9138 Kristoffer Edholm Production- - SWE U RJPS
46 40.17 270.4423 Eric Högman Production- - SWE U seh68 Lycksele Dynamiska Skyttar
47 39.64 266.9232 Anders Carlander Production- - SWE U RJPS
48 39.06 263.0098 Ulf C. Afvander Standard- - SWE U ironhead Gideå Pistol
49 38.53 259.4456 Bernt Andersson Classic- - SWE U bernt58 Lycksele DS
50 38.42 258.6741 Lars Kyrk Production- - SWE U kyrk1 lycksele ds
51 38.11 256.5987 Fredrik NotKnown Production- - SWE U UPK
52 38.04 256.0983 Tomas Lundström Standard+ - SWE U nisselund BSSK
53 35.94 241.9804 Peter Berglöf Standard- - SWE U RJPS
54 34.98 235.5344 Johan Kvande Standard- - SWE U kvande Skellefteå PSF
55 34.91 235.0750 Patrik NotKnown Production- - SWE U labb Bodens Sportskytteklubb
56 34.15 229.9519 Kent Edman Production- - SWE U zebulonm RJPS
57 33.58 226.0643 Fredrik Brändström Production- - SWE U ottyta Lycksele DS
58 32.25 217.1573 André Sundemyr Production- - SWE U RJPS
59 31.46 211.8427 Ludvig Wessén Standard- - SWE U RJPS
60 31.08 209.2919 Pär Linnarsson Classic- - SWE U RJPS
61 29.38 197.7932 Mattias Andersson Production- - SWE U matthoias lycksele DS
62 28.24 190.1345 Johanna Holmfridsson Production- - SWE U johanna Lycksele DS
63 26.68 179.6220 Daniel Balbarrey Production- - SWE U balbarrey rjps
64 24.59 165.5804 Fredrik Vestman Production- - SWE U frve01 Lycksele DS
65 23.00 154.8618 Henrik Berg Production- - SWE U berg Lycksele Dynamiska skyttar
66 15.64 105.2969 Sarah Grey Classic+ L SWE U sgirl1971 FöUtb
67 9.92 66.8202 Håkan Gunneriusson Production- - SWE U RJPS
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