First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 708.0643 Mårten Sehlstedt Standard- S SWE U marten Skelleftea PSF
2 80.59 570.6561 Magnus Söderberg Standard- - SWE U suntzu Bodens Sportskytteklubb
3 78.15 553.3610 Stefan Halvarsson Standard- - SWE U halvarsson Lycksele DS
4 76.36 540.6960 Anton Johansson Standard- - SWE U anton78 umeå pk
5 73.60 521.1445 Fredrik Wikström Standard- - SWE U jamradar Skellefteå Psf
6 73.36 519.4370 Peter Lönning Standard- - SWE U quizze Gideå PISTOL
7 67.30 476.5442 Mats Nordberg Standard- - SWE U matsn BSSK
8 65.16 461.3881 Erik Lorentzson Standard- - SWE U erikku Umeå PK
9 58.08 411.2183 Björn Lindfors Standard- S SWE U polarbjorn Umeå PK
10 54.59 386.5204 Tom Silverklo Standard- - SWE U Rjps
11 51.20 362.5321 jimmy heidenbeck Standard- - SWE U RJPS
12 47.63 337.2535 Ulf C. Afvander Standard- - SWE U ironhead Gideå Pistol
13 45.58 322.7621 Tomas Lundström Standard+ - SWE U nisselund BSSK
14 43.04 304.7579 Peter Berglöf Standard- - SWE U RJPS
15 42.00 297.3904 Johan Kvande Standard- - SWE U kvande Skellefteå PSF
16 37.34 264.4065 Ludvig Wessén Standard- - SWE U RJPS
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