First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 314.6132 Gustav Arvidsson Production- - SWE U rogi P4 Dynamiska skyttar
2 83.62 263.0776 Martin Nilsson Production- - SWE U nilma P4 DS
3 79.33 249.5846 Mikael Arnerwik Standard- - SWE U P4 Dynamiska Skyttar
4 71.21 224.0363 Johan Hylander Production- - SWE U P4 DS
5 62.55 196.8008 Robert Andersson Classic- - SWE U rubanksps P4 Dynamiska Skyttar
6 56.50 177.7574 Henrik Sekund Production- - SWE U P4 DS
7 51.46 161.9036 Jesper Jennerholm Production- - SWE U jester P4 DS
8 39.09 122.9885 Tommi Lund Production- - SWE U P4 Dynamiska Skyttar
9 27.33 85.9818 Markus Arrhén Production- - SWE U P4 DS
10 11.81 37.1423 Stefan Heberlein Production- - SWE U P4DS
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