First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 230.0000 Andre du Toit Production- - ZAF U andredutoit Vektor Shooting Club
2 74.04 170.3002 Francois Scheffer Production- - ZAF U skietbaan.co.za
3 67.08 154.2741 Tazio Resca Production- - ZAF U Premier
4 66.85 153.7476 Frank Bernhard Sneygans Production- - ZAF U skietbaan
5 65.03 149.5716 Richard Eales Production- S ZAF U
6 50.73 116.6724 Rohan Van Der Merwe Production- - ZAF U rohan Skietbaan
7 42.18 97.0110 Gwen Denton Production- L ZAF U Vektor
8 33.75 77.6238 George Hakim Production- S ZAF U george skietbaan.co.za
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