First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 947.8301 Morten Klov Standard- S NOR U morten SSL
2 99.33 941.5020 Niclas Dal Standard- S SWE U nickeklick SPSF
3 97.34 922.5946 Lars Hagemann Standard- S DNK U hagemann Nordic shooting Academy
4 77.96 738.8994 Patrik Fritzson Standard- S SWE U GPIF
5 75.78 718.2204 Svein Ivar Gjelstenli Standard+ S NOR B sig NOP
6 72.03 682.6829 Atle Arvesen Standard- S NOR C lefty LOP
7 70.42 667.4532 Torleiv Rime Standard+ S NOR U GPK
8 69.18 655.7431 Karl Torkildsen Standard+ S NOR C karl TDS
9 65.92 624.7839 Roar Holden Standard+ S NOR U roho TFS
10 56.29 533.5023 Gerry Dahlgren Standard- SS SWE U kgd52 Caliber 44 SKF
11 12.90 122.2472 Tormod Strand Standard+ S NOR C tormods NOP
12 1.98 18.7378 Janne Gregnert Standard+ SS SWE D biggee KSKG
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