First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 1347.4908 Stephen Varty Open+ - ZAF A
2 97.00 1307.0684 Pieter Bouwer Open+ - ZAF U pieter Golden City
3 96.87 1305.2861 Mo Osman Open+ - ZAF U
4 92.97 1252.7567 Justin Peacock Standard+ - ZAF A Golden City
5 91.40 1231.6524 Nazeem Khan Open+ - ZAF U naz colt
6 90.98 1225.9852 Kenny Van Der Merwe Open+ S ZAF A
7 90.45 1218.7806 Thomas Affleck Production- - ZAF U
8 86.29 1162.7164 Grant Cachia Open+ - ZAF A
9 83.64 1127.0153 Jean Engelbrecht Standard+ - ZAF U BUFFALO RIVER NEWCASTLE
10 83.61 1126.5765 Carlo Belletti Open+ SS ZAF U Goldencity
11 82.14 1106.8467 Kirsty Shovlin-Bohler Open+ L ZAF U Golden City
12 79.60 1072.5734 Demis Karamitsos Standard+ - ZAF U Spartanarms
13 79.54 1071.7400 Terrick Naude Standard+ - ZAF U Golden City
14 77.70 1047.0328 Terrick Naude Standard+ - ZAF U GSPSC
15 77.55 1044.9752 Jose Cardoso Standard+ - ZAF U Spartan
16 76.32 1028.3621 Albert Wessels Classic- - ZAF U PPPSC
17 75.49 1017.2823 Ridwaan Imandin Open+ S ZAF U rudy colt shooting club
18 75.16 1012.7989 Pieter Smith Production- - ZAF B ng2166 PMPSC
19 74.88 1009.0088 Sarel Mouton Production- - ZAF U Premier
20 74.86 1008.7789 Albert Wessels Production- - ZAF U PPPSC
21 73.93 996.2195 Freddie Labuschagne Standard+ - ZAF U freddie
22 72.97 983.3105 Terry Calivitis Standard+ - ZAF U Spartan
23 72.15 972.2011 Stuart Affleck Standard+ S ZAF A
24 71.89 968.6983 Brendon Koch Standard+ - ZAF U HPSC
25 71.56 964.2331 Johan Wheeler Classic- - ZAF A Vektor
26 71.48 963.1445 William(One Speed) De Jager Production- - ZAF GM onespeed Golden city
27 71.46 962.8569 Justin Bohler Production- - ZAF U Golden City
28 70.38 948.3598 Corne Roos Production- - ZAF U Magnum
29 70.18 945.6831 Andreas Elia Standard+ - ZAF U Spartan Arms
30 69.95 942.6266 Walter Dajee Open+ S ZAF U daj Golden City
31 68.59 924.2065 Arthur Cavallineas Standard+ S ZAF U arthur
32 68.32 920.5433 Francois Van Wyk Production- - ZAF U fudge Premier
33 68.07 917.2515 Paul Loock Standard+ - ZAF U
34 67.78 913.3186 Leroy Barter Open+ - ZAF U Golden City
35 67.60 910.9029 Dion du Bruyn Classic- - ZAF U
36 66.76 899.6113 Maciek Michalski Standard+ - ZAF U Golden City
37 66.72 899.0940 Lee Geldenhuys Production- - ZAF A Midlands Practical
38 65.99 889.2547 Austen Stockbridge Classic- - ZAF A Premier Shooting Club
39 65.67 884.8979 Wayne Hammond Custom+ - ZAF U rogue Golden City
40 64.68 871.6098 Abraham Jansen Van Vuuren Classic- S ZAF U Pmpsc
41 64.01 862.5861 Vincent Mortlock Production- - ZAF U Buffalo river
42 63.95 861.7349 Dawid Van Reenen Standard+ - ZAF U Golden City
43 63.65 857.7211 Brent John Aspden Production- J ZAF U golden city
44 63.52 855.9468 Davin Vincent Giles Classic- - ZAF U Golden City
45 63.06 849.7905 Sean Flannigan Production- - ZAF U Golden City
46 61.88 833.7931 Christiaan du Plessis Classic- - ZAF U Golden City
47 61.39 827.1594 Nicky Bernhard Production- - ZAF U Golden City
48 61.03 822.3144 Andre Aike Baars Custom- - ZAF U Golden City
49 60.66 817.3378 Raymond Crichton Production- - ZAF U GoldenCity
50 60.09 809.6576 Jon Samuelsson Production- - ZAF U Golden City
51 60.08 809.5185 Steven Wells Production- - ZAF C Spartan Arms
52 60.02 808.7682 Nikolaos Loupellis Standard+ J ZAF U
53 60.02 808.7318 Gareth Baars Standard- - ZAF U Golden City
54 59.92 807.3657 Mark Hammond Production- S ZAF U
55 59.09 796.2156 Dylan Henstock Open+ - ZAF U Golden City
56 58.44 787.4064 Wayne Hammond Classic- S ZAF A rogue Golden City
57 58.39 786.8461 Darryl Flannigan Production- - ZAF U Golden City
58 57.69 777.3233 John Craig Aspden Production- - ZAF U golden city
59 56.79 765.2792 Renier Reynders Production- - ZAF U SOSC
60 56.73 764.3807 Wesley Visser Production- - ZAF U vissie Premier Shooting Club
61 56.67 763.6749 Jacques Swanepoel Production- - ZAF U Golden City
62 56.48 761.0344 Gideon Carstens Production- - ZAF U kassie Golden City
63 55.61 749.3054 Janu Muller Production- J ZAF C Premier Shooting Club
64 55.10 742.4176 Wayne Hardie Standard+ - ZAF U Spartan Arms
65 54.71 737.1618 Francois Muller Classic- S ZAF C Premier Shooting Club
66 54.17 729.9147 Ronel Barter Open+ L ZAF U Golden City
67 53.52 721.1277 Neil Hunter Production- - ZAF U GCPSC
68 53.24 717.3376 Francis van Ravenswaay Standard+ - ZAF B vanr Spartan Arms
69 52.67 709.7650 Adrian Rosslee Classic+ S ZAF U Magnum United Shooting Club
70 52.59 708.6783 Jacques Swanepoel Production- - ZAF U Golden City
71 50.41 679.2959 Nicky Bernhard Classic+ - ZAF U GCDPC
72 49.08 661.3109 Andre Aike Baars Production- - ZAF U Golden City
73 49.06 661.0440 Laura Boesen Standard- L ZAF U Golden City
74 48.20 649.4445 Lionel Marks Standard+ - ZAF U golden city
75 48.02 647.0060 Jade Lambert Standard- - ZAF U Golden City
76 47.87 645.0954 Jaco Reynders Production- - ZAF U SOSC
77 47.62 641.6993 Husain Haffejee Production- - ZAF U GOLDEN CITY
78 47.42 638.9491 John Loupellis Classic- - ZAF U
79 47.38 638.4185 coert Erasmus Production- S ZAF C Golden City
80 46.98 633.0542 Nick Wesley Smuts Standard+ - ZAF U Golden City
81 45.99 619.6894 Brian Shih-Chieh Liu Production- - ZAF U Golden City
82 43.26 582.9501 Steven Barrett Production- - ZAF U Golden City
83 42.68 575.0422 Deming Allan Su Standard- - ZAF U
84 42.58 573.7773 Deon Labuschagne Standard+ SS ZAF U Vektor
85 42.24 569.2359 Imraan Mohamed Open+ - ZAF U Golden City Practical Shooting Club
86 42.18 568.4325 Quentin Jordaan Production- S ZAF U Premier
87 41.86 564.1241 Cheyenne Lentz Standard+ - ZAF U Golden City
88 41.33 556.8801 Bradford Thomas Henstock Production- - ZAF C Golden City
89 41.21 555.2375 Jan Jacobus Smith Production- - ZAF U
90 40.15 541.0082 Dan Levin Open+ SS ZAF D
91 38.80 522.7804 Nicholas Quail Production- - ZAF U GCPSC
92 38.66 520.9254 Zaid Iqbal Khan Production- - ZAF U
93 38.63 520.4956 Tiaan Stander Production- - ZAF U Buffallo River Shooting Club
94 37.67 507.6017 Nadeem NotKnown Production- S ZAF U Golden City
95 37.23 501.6836 Ian Bester Production- - ZAF U sapsa SOSC
96 37.16 500.7288 ChengZhi Xia Standard- - ZAF U Golden City
97 35.51 478.4787 Herman Combrink Production- - ZAF U SOSC
98 33.16 446.8434 Colin De Souza Standard- S ZAF U Golden City
99 32.86 442.7644 Andre Moll Production- - ZAF U Golden City
100 32.51 438.0594 Johannes Van Dyk Standard- - ZAF U johan
101 32.23 434.2374 Zhangqi Lai Standard- - ZAF U
102 32.05 431.9231 James Simon Production- - ZAF D ng4462 PPPSC
103 31.97 430.8240 Yupeng Wang Production- - ZAF U Golden City
104 31.91 430.0056 Yutin Chu Production- - ZAF C golden city
105 31.83 428.9577 Hishaam Iqbal Khan Standard- J ZAF U Golden city
106 31.55 425.1962 Marcia Resca Production- L ZAF U
107 31.18 420.1039 Emaad NotKnown Standard- J ZAF U Golden City
108 30.27 407.8391 Shaun Booyens Production- - ZAF U SBSC
109 29.70 400.2235 Lei Cheng Standard- - ZAF U golden city
110 29.29 394.7231 Otto Wypkema Open- S ZAF U Golden City
111 27.38 368.9857 Hendrina (Doreen) Louw Production- L ZAF U PMPSC
112 26.25 353.6972 Stephan Calitz Standard+ - ZAF U Spartan
113 23.68 319.1269 Ruihe Wei Production- - ALA U
114 22.53 303.5481 Therese Hardie Standard+ L ZAF U Golden City
115 21.79 293.6312 Jj Kruger Classic- - ZAF U
116 21.40 288.4017 Micheal Nel Classic+ - ZAF U
117 18.90 254.7321 Herman Potgieter Standard- - ZAF U Golden City
118 18.22 245.5743 Anthony Kruger Standard+ - ZAF U Golden City
119 17.73 238.9466 Tarryn Boshoff Production- L ZAF U Goldencity
120 10.49 141.3485 Michael Hitge Production- SS USA U
121 10.48 141.1994 Lynn Aspden Production- L ZAF U golden city
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