First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 490.5612 Tommy Hjelm Open+ - SWE U Torup
2 90.41 443.5392 john westgard Open+ S DNK U ssin
3 81.97 402.1100 Michael Gjelsø Open+ - DNK U SSIN/Brøndbyvester Skytteforening
4 61.58 302.0704 Göran Majvall Open- - SWE U skaning MSG
5 48.86 239.6943 Thomas Hjelm Open- - SWE U ipscnooben Torup
6 39.11 191.8423 Lars Jönsson Open- S SWE U znake C4 IPSC
7 36.32 178.1552 Jørgen Rigtrup Open+ S DNK U Brøndbyvester Skytteforening
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