First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 442.1016 Kevin Strowger Standard S GBR U kev CSAC
2 95.47 422.0805 Rupert Stanley Modified - GBR M HTRPC
3 92.95 410.9515 Richard Burton Standard - GBR C Thurnscoe
4 82.39 364.2614 Edward Buttler Standard Manual - GBR B TRC
5 76.53 338.3357 Robert Mathiesen Standard - GBR U ORPC
6 74.61 329.8610 Conor Kenneally Standard Manual S GBR U Oundle rifle and pistol club
7 74.59 329.7524 Bill Morris Modified SS GBR U North Cotes Butts
8 71.95 318.1074 Allen Ardron Modified SS GBR U North Cotes
9 71.36 315.4717 Vanessa Duffy Standard SS GBR U The Blue Team
10 71.08 314.2566 Gary Waugh Standard - GBR U Mayfair Shooting Centre
12 64.71 286.1029 Paul westbury Standard SS GBR U trc
13 64.22 283.9380 Nick Weber Standard SS GBR U BCRPA
14 62.85 277.8467 Graeme Cooper Standard - GBR U shadow81 SPRC
15 62.66 277.0102 Andrew Hatfield Standard Manual - GBR U Oundle Rifle and Pistol
16 61.24 270.7251 Claire Ardron Modified L GBR U North Cotes
17 60.94 269.4132 Simon Lofthouse Standard - GBR U CSAC
18 59.56 263.3208 Andy Welch Standard Manual S GBR U BCRPA
19 58.41 258.2141 Paul Allen Standard - GBR U NMP&RC (Red flag)
20 58.16 257.1210 Nick Andrew Standard S GBR C nickandrew BCRPA
21 57.95 256.1821 Nick Ward Standard SS GBR U BCRPA
22 57.73 255.2144 Richard Bowman Standard S GBR U BCRPA
23 57.37 253.6485 Keith Snow Standard SS GBR U Galloway Small Arms
24 55.33 244.5979 Andy Ramsay Standard - GBR U CSAC
25 54.30 240.0789 Mark Hives Standard - GBR U Galloway Small Arms Club
26 52.31 231.2827 Karl Pizzie Standard - GBR U Stourport Pistol & Rifle Clubr
27 52.06 230.1453 Steve Lee Standard Manual S GBR U ISLAND PRACTICAL SHOOTING CLUB
28 51.79 228.9518 Walter Robinson Standard Manual S GBR U Glasgow and District
29 51.56 227.9573 Andrew Newns Standard - GBR U Stourport Pistol & Rifle Club
30 51.08 225.8307 Chris Chunsi Standard - GBR U (NMP&RC) RedFlag
31 50.59 223.6654 David Ramage Standard SS GBR U Shandon rifle and pistol club
32 50.41 222.8802 Christian Marper Standard - GBR U (NMP&RC) Red Flag
33 48.90 216.1780 Richard Knight Standard - GBR U
34 48.31 213.5639 Des Greaves Open - GBR U charlie Stourport Pistol & Rifle Club
35 47.78 211.2498 Robert Tryner Standard Manual - GBR U ISLAND PRACTICAL SHOOTING CLUB
36 47.08 208.1206 Edmund Putwain Standard S GBR U senior (NMP&RC) RedFlag
37 46.34 204.8573 Tony Geddes Standard Manual - GBR U
38 44.71 197.6676 Sally Lee Standard L GBR U ISLAND PRACTICAL SHOOTING CLUB
39 44.64 197.3373 Maurice Lone Standard Manual S GBR U
40 43.29 191.3853 Geoff Bell Standard SS GBR U Mattersey R & PC
41 42.20 186.5540 Cosmin Maris Standard Manual - GBR U Harlow Town Rifle and Pistol Club
42 40.44 178.8020 Kevin Mcclumpha Standard Manual S GBR U ISLAND PRACTICAL SHOOTING CLUB
43 38.38 169.6876 Anthony Witts Open SS GBR U BCRPA
44 37.09 163.9598 Graeme Cushion Open S GBR U Thurnscoe
45 35.21 155.6595 Graeme Cushion Standard S GBR U Thurnscoe
46 34.01 150.3636 Lincoln Morrow Standard - GBR U BCRPA
47 31.00 137.0698 Milton Holland Standard - GBR U Stourport Pistol & Rifle Club
48 26.87 118.7782 Alistair Jupe Standard Manual - GBR U ISLAND PRACTICAL SHOOTING CLUB
49 23.15 102.3339 Rex Shilvock Standard - GBR U Stourport Pistol & Rifle Club
50 21.84 96.5333 Gordon Jackson Standard Manual - GBR U
51 21.13 93.3952 Gillies Sim Custom - GBR U
52 20.88 92.3147 Mccutchan Philip Custom - GBR U
53 20.57 90.9552 John Wiggins Standard - GBR U Stourport Pistol & Rifle Club
54 19.01 84.0320 Alan White Standard - GBR U Stourport Pistol & Rifle Club
55 18.09 79.9603 Gary Lockwood Standard Manual - GBR U Stourport Pistol & Rifle Club
56 17.36 76.7646 John Morgan-Jones Custom S GBR U
57 17.17 75.9162 Steve Langston Standard - GBR U BCRPA
58 15.27 67.5086 Mark Miller Standard - GBR U BCRPA
59 11.32 50.0318 Standard - GBR U BCRPA
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