First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 471.1839 Chris Edwards Production- - GBR U Worcester Norton Shooting Club
2 96.03 452.4624 Greg Dixon-Smith Production- - GBR U Worcester Norton Shooting Club
3 85.31 401.9606 Russell Hicks Production- S GBR U Worcester Norton Shooting Club
4 77.28 364.1388 Tony French Production- - GBR U FDPC
5 69.28 326.4263 Nick Weber Production- SS GBR U BCRPA
6 68.69 323.6686 Robin Lee Production- - GBR U FDPC
7 65.36 307.9797 Simon Jones Production- - GBR U Worcester Norton Shooting Club
8 63.28 298.1736 Roberto Capolongo Production- - GBR U Worcester Norton Shooting Club
9 55.92 263.4996 Mark Sandford Production- - GBR U Mayfair Shooting Centre
10 52.85 249.0108 Peter West Production- - GBR U BCRPA
11 50.76 239.1613 Keith Howell Production- S GBR U FDPC
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