First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 730.4013 Stephen Varty Open+ - ZAF A
2 98.54 719.7424 Stephen Varty Custom+ - ZAF U
3 98.45 719.1116 Nazeem Khan Open+ - ZAF U naz colt
4 97.84 714.6051 Mo Osman Open+ - ZAF U
5 96.36 703.8060 Goolam Dadamia Open+ S ZAF A SNIPERS Practical Shooting Club
6 87.86 641.7355 Dylan Henstock Open+ - ZAF B Golden City
7 84.87 619.9114 Pieter Bouwer Open+ - ZAF A pieter Golden City
8 83.03 606.4485 Alexis Biermann Open+ L ZAF U
9 81.87 598.0007 Kenny Van Der Merwe Open+ S ZAF U
10 81.58 595.8776 Carlo Belletti Open+ SS ZAF U Goldencity
11 80.22 585.9439 Justin Peacock Standard+ - ZAF A Golden City / CGPSA
12 79.04 577.2869 Nico Economakis Open- - ZAF U
13 77.77 568.0503 Kirsty Shovlin-Bohler Open+ L ZAF U Golden City
14 76.43 558.2513 Chris Marais Open+ SS ZAF U GoldenCity
15 74.26 542.3850 Ismail Allow Open+ S ZAF B SNIPERS Practical Shooting Club
16 72.89 532.3945 Shahiem Mohamed Open+ - ZAF A SNIPERS Practical Shooting Club
17 72.52 529.6835 Zunaid Solomon Open+ - USA U
18 72.41 528.8689 Walter Dajee Open+ S ZAF U daj Golden City
19 71.57 522.7673 Albert Wessels Production- - ZAF U PPPSC
20 70.70 516.4016 Joel Cohen Open+ SS ZAF A Golden City
21 69.67 508.8923 Niko Min Open+ SS ZAF U
22 69.41 506.9840 Alan Varty Open+ SS ZAF U
23 69.23 505.6749 Nazier Mohamed Open+ - ZAF A SNIPERS Practical Shooting Club
24 68.85 502.9172 Francis van Ravenswaay Standard+ - ZAF U vanr Spartan Arms
25 68.73 501.9790 Maciek Michalski Standard+ - ZAF U Golden City
26 67.85 495.6050 Andre Van Straaten Standard+ SS ZAF U
27 67.79 495.1422 Jose Cardoso Standard+ - ZAF U Spartan
28 67.56 493.4510 Pravesh Magan Open+ - ZAF U GC
29 67.15 490.4603 Pano Detsikas Standard+ - ZAF U ace
30 67.08 489.9276 Sarel Mouton Production- - ZAF U Premier
31 67.07 489.9106 Terrick Naude Standard+ - ZAF U GCDPC
32 66.97 489.1256 Leroy Barter Open+ - ZAF U Golden City
33 66.72 487.2944 Ridwaan Imandin Open+ S ZAF U rudy colt shooting club
34 66.47 485.4815 Andreas Elia Standard+ - ZAF B Spartan Arms
35 66.28 484.0939 Clive Pedersen Open+ SS ZAF U Golden City
36 65.85 480.9640 William(One Speed) De Jager Production- - ZAF U onespeed Golden city
37 65.28 476.7750 Demis Karamitsos Standard+ - ZAF U Spartanarms
38 65.26 476.6861 Terrick Naude Standard+ - ZAF U GSPSC
39 64.15 468.5550 Frikkie Streicher Production- - ZAF C GC
40 63.44 463.3779 Dion du Bruyn Classic- S ZAF U
41 63.13 461.0669 Arthur Cavallineas Standard+ S ZAF C arthur
42 62.47 456.3175 Farhad Soomar Open+ S ZAF U farhad Colt Shooting Club
43 62.31 455.1206 Gordon du Plessis Production- - ZAF U Golden City
44 61.73 450.9008 Steven Wells Production- - ZAF U Spartan Arms
45 61.49 449.1602 Daniel Matic Production- - ZAF B GOLDEN CITY
46 61.41 448.5327 Neelesh Dullabh Open+ - ZAF U
47 60.51 441.9454 Justin Bohler Production- - ZAF U Golden City
48 60.28 440.2813 Davin Vincent Giles Classic- - ZAF U Golden City
49 60.27 440.2187 Desmond Dye Open+ SS ZAF B des Golden City
50 58.63 428.2111 Ronel Barter Open+ L ZAF U Golden City
51 58.44 426.8555 Dawid Van Reenen Standard+ - ZAF U Golden City
52 57.52 420.1098 Claudio Massella Open+ S ZAF D Roodepoort
53 57.44 419.5328 Moosa Mangera Standard+ - ZAF U
54 56.92 415.7648 Mark Neves Standard+ - ZAF U GCSC
55 56.59 413.3436 Rahul Dullabh Open+ - ZAF U golden city
56 55.70 406.8331 Neil Hunter Production- - ZAF U GCPSC
57 55.18 403.0085 Sean Flannigan Custom- - ZAF U Golden City
58 55.14 402.7704 James Shorten Open+ - ZAF U ipsc SPARTAN ARMS INTERNATIONAL
59 55.09 402.3902 Christiaan du Plessis Classic- - ZAF U GCDPC
60 54.90 401.0062 Herman Gildenhuys Standard+ - ZAF U Syferfontein
61 54.61 398.8790 Ziyaad Jada Open+ S ZAF C SNIPERS Practical Shooting Club
62 54.43 397.5368 Jon Samuelsson Production- - ZAF U Golden City
63 54.18 395.7470 Sean Flannigan Production- - ZAF U Golden City
64 53.88 393.5499 Malcolm Smith Production- SS ZAF A HPSC
65 52.66 384.5949 Darryl Flannigan Production- - ZAF U Golden City
66 51.99 379.7520 Stephen Marais Standard+ - ZAF U gcpsc
67 51.50 376.1693 Craig John Aspden Production- - ZAF U golden city
68 51.17 373.7696 Raymond Crichton Production- - ZAF U GoldenCity
69 50.87 371.5592 Abraham Jansen Van Vuuren Classic- S ZAF U PMPSC
70 50.42 368.2617 Keith Christopher Askham Standard+ SS ZAF C jetjungle Golden City
71 50.29 367.3220 Francois Muller Classic- - ZAF U Premier Shooting Club
72 49.99 365.1116 Gideon Carstens Production- - ZAF U kassie Golden City
73 48.88 356.9978 Darryl Flannigan Custom- - ZAF U Golden City
74 48.84 356.7572 Yutin Chu Production- - ZAF C golden city
75 48.68 355.5816 Robert Kimm Open+ S ZAF U
76 48.50 354.2375 Andre Aike Baars Production- - ZAF U Golden City
77 48.16 351.7641 Dan Levin Open+ SS ZAF D golden city s/c
78 48.11 351.4152 Austen Stockbridge Classic- - ZAF A Premier Shooting Club
79 47.65 348.0400 James Hurly Standard+ - ZAF U premier
80 47.06 343.7629 Sashikant Gopal Open+ SS ZAF C Golden City Shooting
81 45.39 331.5410 Peter Holmes Production- S ZAF C pistol
82 44.82 327.3680 Mohamed Cassim (Cassco) Standard- S ZAF U SPORTING SHOOT CLUB
83 44.71 326.5658 Ras Solomon Open+ SS ZAF U SNIPERS Practical Shooting Club
84 44.54 325.3297 Bardev Rowjee Open- SS ZAF U
85 43.71 319.2401 Nikolaos Loupellis Standard- - ZAF U
86 43.70 319.1685 Mark Hammond Production- S ZAF U ironman
87 43.55 318.0533 Richard Westley Standard+ SS ZAF U
88 43.45 317.3471 Fred Scott Classic+ SS ZAF U Spartan
89 43.38 316.8825 Coert Erasmus Production- S ZAF C Golden City
90 43.29 316.2042 Charl Meiring Production- - ZAF C Spartan arms
91 42.92 313.4874 Brent John Aspden Production- J ZAF U golden city
92 42.59 311.1048 Colin De Souza Classic+ S ZAF U Golden City
93 41.78 305.1557 Deming Su Standard- - ZAF U
94 40.62 296.6791 Jacques Swanepoel Production- - ZAF U Golden City
95 40.45 295.4642 Nick Wesley Smuts Standard+ - ZAF U Golden City
96 40.41 295.1212 Godfrey Fourie Open+ S ZAF U
97 39.69 289.9199 Bradford Thomas Henstock Production- S ZAF U Golden City
98 39.40 287.7853 Enver Tim Standard+ - ZAF U
99 39.23 286.5668 Gafoor Hoosien Standard- - ZAF U gaff center fire
100 39.17 286.1305 Johnny Loupellis Classic- - ZAF U Frontier
101 39.05 285.2463 Abdul Hamid Hansia Open+ SS USA U Snipers
102 39.01 284.9463 Herman Potgieter Production- - ZAF U Golden City
103 38.82 283.5707 Etienne Francois Bekker Standard+ S ZAF C golden city
104 38.63 282.1831 J.J. Smith Production- - ZAF U Golden City
105 37.79 276.0436 Steven Barrett Production- - ZAF U Golden City
106 37.34 272.7295 Deon Labuschagne Standard+ SS ZAF U Vektor
107 37.09 270.9359 Brian Shih-Chieh Liu Production- - ZAF U Golden City
108 36.77 268.5632 Jacques Swanepoel Production- - ZAF U Golden City
109 36.73 268.2980 Mohamed Zaheed Moosa Open+ SS ZAF U north west
110 36.03 263.1450 Milan Kavka Standard- SS ZAF U Golden City
111 35.88 262.0629 Heinz Gunter Max Tischmann Open+ SS ZAF C Roodepoort practical shooting club
112 35.87 261.9596 Estelle Westley Production- L ZAF U Golden City
113 34.51 252.0846 Johan Swanepoel Production- - ZAF U Roodepoort Practical Shooting Club
114 32.74 239.0992 Mark Leong Classic+ S ZAF U Centrefire
115 32.26 235.6037 Shyam Jagwanth Production- - ZAF U Golden City
116 31.86 232.7176 Rui Freitas Standard+ - ZAF D jdpc
117 31.52 230.2571 Alan Norton Production- SS ZAF U
118 31.07 226.9398 Gugu Bohali Production- - ZAF U GCPSC
119 29.83 217.8828 Chris Prinsloo Production- S ZAF U chrisp Spartan Arms Int
120 29.71 216.9906 Lei Cheng Standard- - ZAF U golden city
121 29.58 216.0707 Schalk Du Plessis Production- - ZAF U schalk Golden City
122 29.47 215.2321 Paul Flavin Standard+ S ZAF U Spartan Arms
123 28.23 206.2093 Peter Williams Production- - ZAF U Roodepoort
124 28.12 205.3590 Ryan Swanepoel Production- J ZAF U Roodepoort Practical Shooting Club
125 26.91 196.5307 Otto Hecht Standard+ S ZAF U otto PMPSC
126 26.82 195.8747 Naushaad Cassim Open- - ZAF U
127 26.66 194.7099 Ramdas Dayaljee Open+ SS ZAF U
128 25.84 188.7452 Nicky Bernhard Classic+ - ZAF U GCDPC
129 24.60 179.7137 Sean Moffett Standard- SS ZAF U Golden City
130 24.50 178.9365 Yupeng Wang Production- - ZAF U Golden City
131 23.65 172.7184 Zaid Iqbal Khan Production- - ZAF U Golden city
132 23.51 171.7123 Gerhard De Wet Standard+ S ZAF C Syferfontein
133 23.48 171.5125 Andre Moll Production- - ZAF U Golden City
134 21.12 154.2721 Bruce Di Zhang Standard+ - ZAF U ronel Golden City
135 19.95 145.7503 Lynn Aspden Production- L ZAF U golden city
136 19.44 141.9840 Johan Esterhuizen Production- - ZAF U Roodepoort
137 19.42 141.8414 Ebrahim Asvat Open+ - ZAF U Sporting
138 19.08 139.3808 Ally Hassen Open- - ZAF U
139 18.18 132.8159 Richard Eales Classic+ S ZAF U Premier
140 17.70 129.2843 Gideon Joubert Classic+ S ZAF U Golden City
141 16.16 118.0624 Anthony Kruger Open+ - ZAF U Golden City
142 14.82 108.2278 Nadeem Bhyat Production- S ZAF U Golden City
143 12.00 87.6337 Tarryn Boshoff Production- L ZAF U Goldencity
144 8.58 62.6778 Lareina De Wet Standard- J ZAF U Syferfontein
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