First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 612.0708 Stephen Varty Open+ - ZAF U
2 83.50 511.1031 Stephen Varty Custom+ - ZAF U
3 79.59 487.1604 James Selwyn Vaughan Open+ SS ZAF B jimv RPSC
4 71.43 437.2173 Leroy Barter Custom+ - ZAF U Golden City
5 71.18 435.6845 Leroy Barter Open+ - ZAF C Golden City
6 68.43 418.8268 John Craig Aspden Production- - ZAF U golden city
7 67.65 414.0701 cHris Marais cHris Open+ SS ZAF U Goldencity
8 66.73 408.4477 Neelesh Dullabh Open+ - ZAF U
9 66.38 406.2730 Christiaan du Plessis Production- - ZAF U riaan GCDPC
10 66.09 404.4905 Alan Varty Open+ SS ZAF U
11 65.60 401.5182 Sean Flannigan Standard- - ZAF U Golden City
12 65.07 398.2891 Pravesh Magan Open+ - ZAF U GC
13 64.85 396.8982 Wayne Hammond Standard+ S ZAF A rogue Golden City
14 64.78 396.5042 Sean Flannigan Production- - ZAF U Golden City
15 63.89 391.0458 Mark Hammond Production- S ZAF B
16 63.68 389.7761 Jon Samuelsson Standard- - ZAF U Golden City
17 61.67 377.4609 Ronel Barter Custom+ - ZAF U Golden City
18 59.67 365.2092 John Craig Aspden Standard+ - ZAF U golden city
19 59.56 364.5286 Rahul Dullabh Open+ - ZAF U golden city
20 59.55 364.4929 Ronel Barter Open+ L ZAF C Golden City
21 57.64 352.8168 Darryl Flannigan Standard- - ZAF U Golden City
22 55.91 342.2101 Jon Samuelsson Production- - ZAF U Golden City
23 54.66 334.5288 Keith Christopher Askham Open+ SS ZAF U jetjungle Golden City
24 54.63 334.3791 Mark Neves Standard+ - ZAF U GCPSC
25 52.93 323.9407 Abraham Jansen Van Vuuren Production- S ZAF U PMPSC
26 51.89 317.6276 Yutin Chu Production- - ZAF C danny golden city
27 51.67 316.2816 Gideon Carstens Production- - ZAF U kassie Golden City
28 50.91 311.6216 Heinz Gunter Max Tischmann Open+ SS ZAF C Rpsc
29 50.25 307.5472 Husain Haffejee Production- - ZAF U GOLDEN CITY
30 49.32 301.8499 Darryl Flannigan Production- - ZAF U Golden City
31 47.18 288.7701 Dan Levin Open+ - ZAF U Golden City
32 46.14 282.4380 Anthony Kruger Custom+ - ZAF U tony Golden City
33 46.11 282.2095 Anthony Kruger Open+ - ZAF U tony Golden City
34 43.47 266.0743 Brendan Callaghan Production- - ZAF D GC
35 42.79 261.9047 Rui Freitas Standard+ - ZAF U Roodepoort
36 42.16 258.0416 Deming Allan Su Standard- - ZAF U
37 41.06 251.3172 Bradford Thomas Henstock Production- S ZAF C Golden City
38 39.89 244.1664 Jan Schoeman Standard+ - ZAF U Golden City
39 39.87 244.0357 Gerhard Erasmus Standard+ S ZAF U Golden City
40 38.29 234.3351 Coert Erasmus Standard+ - ZAF U Golden City
41 36.27 221.9937 Steven Barrett Production- - ZAF U Golden City
42 34.07 208.5379 Duane Wessels Production- - ZAF U Golden City
43 33.67 206.1051 J.J. Smith Production- - ZAF U jaco Golden City
44 31.39 192.1593 Shiraz Adam Custom- - ZAF U Golden City
45 30.31 185.4938 Shiraz Adam Production- - ZAF U Golden City
46 29.98 183.4693 Nadeem Bhyat Production- S ZAF U Golden City
47 27.13 166.0526 Lynn Aspden Production- L ZAF U golden city
48 21.72 132.9389 Lynn Aspden Standard- - ZAF U golden city
49 20.04 122.6749 Gugu Bohali Production- - ZAF U GCPSC
50 16.56 101.3743 Mingsong Hu Production- - ZAF U Golden City
51 9.71 59.4224 Bjorn Samuelsson Production- J ZAF U Golden City
52 9.36 57.2942 Shenaaz Adam Custom- - ZAF U Golden City
53 7.54 46.1567 Bjorn Samuelsson Custom- J ZAF U Golden City
54 7.53 46.1048 Shenaaz Adam Production- L ZAF U Golden City
55 5.91 36.1879 Larise Dicken Production- L ZAF U GCPSC
56 5.39 33.0089 Beverly Pancoust Production- L ZAF U Golden City
57 2.28 13.9339 Michael Hitge Standard+ SS USA U
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