First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 319.3237 Selcuk Kahraman Production- - DNK U selo Ssin
2 77.74 248.2466 Michael Stefansen Production- - DNK U stefansen SSIN
3 76.52 244.3327 Jens Kammer Production- - DNK U kammer SSIN
4 76.17 243.2393 Søren Larsen Production- S DNK U wessel SSIN
5 75.54 241.2303 Christian D. Jensen Production- - DNK M stagebum CPS
6 57.83 184.6595 Dennis Martlev Production- S DNK U smartlev Copenhagen Practical Shooters
7 52.53 167.7510 Morten Schrøder Production- - DNK U frontrunnerdk Krudtuglen
8 52.30 167.0009 Thomas Dyregaard Production- S DNK U SSIN
9 50.46 161.1175 Kresten Hellberg Production- - DNK U SSIN
10 45.66 145.7992 Pavel Ibenforth Production- - DNK U SSIN
11 45.11 144.0474 Dennis Bagge Production- - DNK U bagge SSIN
12 43.71 139.5744 Mohammed Jafer Production- - DNK U bilo Cps
13 43.32 138.3263 Carsten Bagger Production- - DNK U SSIN
14 37.79 120.6597 Dennis Jakobsen Production- - DNK U SSIN
15 32.53 103.8875 Troels Lenda Production- - DNK U troels AS
16 32.52 103.8529 Søren Tranberg Nielsen Production- - DNK U CPS
17 31.57 100.8190 John Bach-Madsen Production- - DNK U
18 29.93 95.5792 Andreas Albeck Production- - DNK U Hillerød skytteforening
19 22.69 72.4621 Mahmoud Sari-Kahia Production- - DNK U amigo CPS
20 20.50 65.4579 Michael Bo Andersen Production- S DNK U ssin
21 13.35 42.6283 Brian Starup Production- - DNK U Hillerød
22 13.29 42.4256 Jannich Low Production- J DNK U jlow SSIN
23 11.08 35.3657 Hakon Niemann Rasmussen Production- - DNK U Hillerødskytteforining
24 9.58 30.5920 Susanne Bruun Production- L DNK U SSIN
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