First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 627.6879 Torben G. Skjoldborg Standard- - DNK U tgs SSIN
2 98.02 615.2498 Rasmus Saxild Standard- - DNK U xfire Ssin
3 93.87 589.2009 Jan Bodé Standard- S DNK U jan63 SSIN
4 89.40 561.1660 Jess Lund Standard+ - DNK U jess SSIN
5 83.02 521.1069 Kent Holm Standard- S DNK U kent1 SSIN
6 77.64 487.3245 Ronnie Casper Rene Olsen Standard- - DNK U Ssin
7 75.03 470.9704 Nick Ravn Standard- - DNK U darkside SSIN
8 74.99 470.7156 Kim Wiencken Standard+ S DNK U ventureshooter SSIN
9 73.43 460.8902 Jens-Micael Johansen Standard- - DNK U jensmicael SSIN
10 69.70 437.5218 Karsten Erfort Standard- - DNK U erfort Lfhs/CPS
11 44.04 276.4290 Morten Ziersen Standard- - DNK U CPS
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