First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 551.4553 Niclas Dal Standard- S SWE U nickeklick SPSF
2 91.97 507.1978 Patrik Svedlund Standard+ - SWE A 2fast4u BBSKF
3 89.90 495.7805 Ricardo Soler Standard- - SWE U rickipick SSK
4 84.94 468.3799 Jonas Johansson Standard- - SWE U goliat RPS
5 84.91 468.2448 Ronny Andreassen Standard+ - SWE U matrix99 SPSF
6 84.79 467.5762 Robert Rob Andersson Standard- - SWE U rad
7 81.62 450.0772 Tåbbe Asplind Standard- - SWE GM aspen SSK
8 80.76 445.3693 Kenny Frohde Standard- - SWE U baggins Livgardets Skytteförening
9 78.59 433.4069 Stefan Kristersson Standard- S SWE C stefan Smedsbo PK
10 78.05 430.4203 Marcus Keife Standard- - SWE C kobayashi RPS
11 77.00 424.6454 Nicklas Persson Standard+ - SWE U ahakille FöUtb
12 73.91 407.5969 Daniel Hofmann Standard- - SWE U dawg
13 72.26 398.4666 Alex Roos Standard- - SWE U aroos SPSF
14 71.55 394.5471 Hans Olof Söderling Standard- - SWE U RJPS
15 70.94 391.2287 Peter Stavling Standard+ S SWE C peter997s Stockholms LVF
16 70.37 388.0587 Hans-Erik Sjöholm Standard- S SWE U theydrew1stblood Södertäljepolisens SF
17 69.37 382.5704 Jonathan Nirholt Standard- - SWE U jnov SSK
18 68.12 375.6449 Mattias Olsson Standard- - SWE U highlandpark Karlstads PSK
19 66.44 366.3788 Fredrik Johansson Standard- - SWE U freddstone UDS
20 62.30 343.5552 Henke Nilsson Standard- - SWE C duffman Stockholms LVF
21 60.61 334.2308 Erik Ljunggren Standard- - SWE U erix UVPSK
22 59.77 329.6161 Martin Cullberg Standard- - SWE U martin Stockholms LVF
23 59.75 329.5077 P-O Persson Standard- - SWE C forsabon Hudik PSK
24 57.11 314.9509 Per Mellström Standard+ - SWE U mellstrom UVPSK
25 55.44 305.7224 Markus Nylander Standard+ - SWE U SPSF
26 50.25 277.1082 Rahel Azad Standard- - SWE U azad Stockholms LVF
27 49.64 273.7601 Dennis Haglund Standard- - SWE U tunnan VDS
28 46.05 253.9572 Ji-Ung Um Standard- - SWE U SSK
29 39.01 215.1341 Olof Sjoden Standard+ SS SWE U olof Team ONYX
30 20.81 114.7521 Magnus Blix Standard- - SWE U Västerort DS
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