First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 865.1430 Adam Lundgren Classic- - SWE U ava Klinte Skyttegille
2 86.93 752.1062 Jonny Nordin Classic- - SWE U murgo Team ONYX
3 84.84 733.9974 Kim Hansson Classic+ - SWE U sylta Södertörns SK
4 73.47 635.5910 Dennis Husell Classic+ - SWE U Smedsbo PK
5 69.68 602.8434 Peter Wanderoy Classic- - SWE U pwanderoy Uppsala DS
6 68.92 596.2147 Lars Löfven Classic+ - SWE U fleshrebel Uppsala DS
7 65.27 564.6557 Stefan Grahn Classic+ S SWE U IPSC Örebro
8 62.24 538.4815 Daniel Stenbäck Classic- - SWE U dst RJPS
9 62.16 537.7555 Mikael Sundström Classic- - SWE U xyzsanta Uppsala DS
10 58.00 501.8112 Pär Linnarsson Classic+ - SWE U 45power RJPS
11 54.79 474.0480 Dennis Edman Classic- - SWE U netnut Uppsala DS
12 49.12 424.9441 Fredrik Dahlgren Classic- - SWE U fdahlgren Uppsala DS
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