First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 500.8976 Ola Åberg Production- - SWE C pistola Kumla Sportskyttar
2 96.29 482.3088 Andreas Norberg Production- - SWE U pyro Bofors Skjutfälts Skyttekår
3 95.31 477.4273 Martin Jönsson Standard+ - SWE C jartinmunson Kumla Sportskyttar
4 85.44 427.9858 Jon Johansson Production- - SWE U ninpo LPSK
5 74.98 375.5882 Tommy Jarmuszewski Production- - SWE U tuppa LPSK
6 58.50 293.0419 Robin Olsson Production- - SWE U LPSK
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