First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 466.4418 Jens Sandberg Standard+ - SWE U jens VSD
2 93.63 436.7216 Christer Back Standard+ S SWE U 40sw GPIF
3 81.92 382.1232 Magnus Bergström Standard+ - SWE U MSF
4 67.63 315.4487 Patrik Fritzson Standard- - SWE U GPIF
5 58.08 270.8962 Mathias Pettersson Standard+ - SWE U GDS
6 42.24 197.0280 Jan Skånberg Standard- - SWE U VSD
7 35.52 165.6963 Johan Andersson Standard- - SWE U Jönköpings Pk
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