First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 336.4141 Tor Martin Kandal Production- - NOR U noshoot NVS
2 94.88 319.1787 Joacim Moen Volle Production- - NOR U volle NVS
3 93.62 314.9514 Jan Roger Kallmyr Production- - NOR U KDS
4 90.32 303.8492 Vegard Natvik Production- - NOR C nattstaff NVS
5 90.04 302.9141 Olav Rune Heggestad Production- - NOR U NVS
6 75.96 255.5556 Idar Olsen Production- - NOR U comdiver NVS
7 74.69 251.2642 Robert Arne Kjøde Production- - NOR U rkjode NVS
8 63.28 212.8671 Kenneth Breidablik Production- - NOR U ambshooter NVS
9 50.08 168.4903 Rolf Hugo Bjerknes Production- S NOR U rhb NVS
10 49.63 166.9616 Eirik Thorseth Production- - NOR U NVS
11 46.86 157.6590 Henning Gartz Production- - NOR U NVS
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