First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 151.1413 Conor Kenneally Standard Manual S GBR U Oundle rifle and pistol club
2 79.64 120.3681 David Peacock Standard Manual SS GBR C Red Dragon PSG
3 71.20 107.6195 Walter Robinson Standard Manual S GBR U Glasgow and District
4 61.71 93.2657 Andy Welch Standard Manual S GBR U BCR&PA
5 57.37 86.7099 Steve Lee Standard Manual S GBR U ISLAND PRACTICAL SHOOTING CLUB
6 52.81 79.8225 Keith Howell Standard Manual SS GBR U FDPC
7 49.96 75.5131 Ian Bowles Standard Manual S GBR U orpc
8 48.74 73.6633 Jim Stone Standard Manual S GBR U ISLAND PRACTICAL SHOOTING CLUB
9 45.90 69.3742 Russell Jones Standard Manual S GBR U Red Dragon PSG
10 20.87 31.5405 Steve Coe Standard Manual S GBR U FDPC
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