First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 551.6260 Lars Hagemann Production- S DNK GM hagemann Nordic shooting Academy
2 88.95 490.6764 Christian D. Jensen Production- S DNK M stagebum Copenhagen Practical Shooters
3 79.93 440.8987 Dennis Martlev Production- S DNK U smartlev Copenhagen Practical Shooters
4 42.79 236.0155 Dan Bang Reuter Production- S DNK U Krudtuglen
5 39.91 220.1585 Claus Schmidt Production- S DNK U Farum Skytteforening
6 38.90 214.5599 Allan Elgaard Jensen Production- S DNK U Dall
7 37.49 206.8149 kim Frederiksen Production- S DNK U Hjortespring skytte og Idrætsforening & CPS
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