First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 707.0782 Jan Bodé Standard- S DNK U jan63 SSIN
2 98.89 699.2165 Torben G. Skjoldborg Standard- - DNK U tgs SSIN
3 86.79 613.6419 Finn Langkjær Standard- - DNK U langkjaer Lunde Skytteforening
4 83.95 593.5668 Tejs Berthelsen Standard- - DNK U bob CPS
5 74.57 527.2482 Kim Wiencken Standard- - DNK U ventureshooter SSIN
6 71.23 503.6684 Ivan Nielsen Standard- - DNK U svigo SSIN
7 66.01 466.7427 Kenneth Petersen Standard- - DNK U kenneth CPS
8 63.85 451.4858 Claus Sander Standard- - DNK U BVS
9 61.44 434.4314 Ole Rongsted Standard- S DNK U BVS
10 60.81 429.9823 Jane Thillerup Standard- - DNK U BVS
11 60.37 426.8930 Coskun Aktas Standard- - DNK U thino CPS
12 60.16 425.4131 Michael Løgstrup Standard- - DNK U
13 17.82 125.9805 Izabela Duracova Standard- J DNK U Ballerup
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