First name
Last name
1 100.00 601.3408 Marius Breivik Open+ - NOR U mariusb NVS
2 93.10 559.8371 Andrè Røyset Open+ - NOR U aroyset NVS
3 91.37 549.4557 Asbjørn Asbjørnsen Open+ - NOR U asbjorna NVS
4 85.02 511.2404 Bjørn Johnny Kvalen Open+ - NOR U bjkvalen NVS
5 84.73 509.5450 Vegard Natvik Standard+ - NOR U nattstaff NVS
6 77.59 466.5794 Frank Nykrem Open+ - NOR U flykrem NVS
7 72.57 436.3998 Are Skotnes Standard+ - NOR U KDS
8 68.94 414.5934 Olav Rune Heggestad Production- - NOR U NVS
9 61.73 371.1945 Jan Roger Kallmyr Production- - NOR U jrk KDS
10 61.28 368.5154 Joacim Moen Volle Production- - NOR D volle NVS
11 60.95 366.5468 Asle K Ellingsgård Production- - NOR U KDS
12 58.31 350.6517 Geir Ove Liavag Standard+ S NOR U NVS
13 58.14 349.6136 Gert Are Hildrestrand Standard- - NOR U vingnut NVS
14 57.49 345.7340 Willy André Bergstrøm Standard- - NOR U willyandre NVS
15 55.88 336.0134 Idar Olsen Production- - NOR D comdiver NVS
16 55.58 334.2535 Bastian Myhre Classic- - NOR U bazerpunk NVS
17 52.35 314.7839 Mats Nakken Production- - NOR U theneck NVS
18 49.96 300.4400 Magnar Støyva Standard- - NOR U SFS
19 48.49 291.6158 Kurt Hafsås Production- - NOR U doberman NVS
20 45.36 272.7971 Bjørn Egil Larsen Standard- - NOR U texasranger NVS
21 41.81 251.4081 Kenneth Søvdsnes Classic+ - NOR U NVS
22 40.48 243.4472 Stian Søvdsnes Classic+ - NOR U NVS
23 38.29 230.2619 Goeran Roland Production- - NOR U swix NVS
24 36.00 216.4662 Stig Robert Talberg Production- - NOR U stigrt NVS
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