First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 206.9372 Kjetil Salte Orre Production- - NOR U happygiant BEP
2 99.02 204.9018 Roald Torkildsen Production- - NOR U rotor SSL-H
3 98.30 203.4149 John Willy Jakobsen Production- - NOR U jwj Bergen Pistolklubb
4 92.33 191.0588 Tore Varlid Production- - NOR U gungne Lågen Sportskyttere
5 91.05 188.4174 Trond Henrikssen Production- SS NOR U trias BEP
6 89.45 185.0983 Torbjørn Dahlen Production- - NOR U godspeed Bsk
7 88.29 182.6992 Michael Aleksander de Cartier Production- - NOR U BSK
8 65.91 136.4017 Christer Kolltveit Production- - NOR U Bergen Pistolklubb
9 59.14 122.3878 Yngve Rørstadbotten-Hæve Production- - NOR U yhaeve BSK
10 53.77 111.2652 Victor Kvam Production- - NOR U
11 49.32 102.0664 Marius Dyngeland Production- - NOR U Bergen Pistolklubb
12 47.00 97.2559 Espen Nytun Production- S NOR U BEP
13 26.80 55.4661 Jarle Berntsen Production- - NOR U BPK
14 16.93 35.0374 Ole Arve Oppedal Production- - NOR U BPK
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