results for Pistol L2 BEP september

Open Standard Production Classic Combined Compare statistics results return
First name Last name DIV CAT REG CLS ICS Club
1 100.00 297.5664 Arne Monsen Open+ S NOR U bergenbom BSK
2 74.46 221.5795 Vidar Andreassen Standard+ - NOR U wolf1911 BSK
3 73.43 218.4993 John Willy Jakobsen Production- - NOR A jwj Bergen Pistolklubb
4 70.23 208.9839 Trond Henrikssen Production- SS NOR C trias BEP
5 63.44 188.7618 Roald Torkildsen Production- - NOR U rotor SSL-H
6 61.17 182.0184 Christer Kolltveit Production- - NOR U BEP
7 60.38 179.6761 Ove Toranger Standard- - NOR U smileyface BEP
8 56.49 168.0992 David Nikolai Breidablik Vatne Production- - NOR U Bsu
9 56.21 167.2676 Arve Andersen Standard- - NOR U BSU
10 54.91 163.3974 Petter Kjekshus Standard- - NOR U cookie BSK
11 51.88 154.3781 Marius Dyngeland Production- - NOR U Bergen Pistolklubb
12 50.97 151.6748 Morten Christian Andreassen Production- - NOR U BPK
13 50.01 148.8064 Kjetil Salte Orre Production- - NOR U happygiant BEP
14 49.82 148.2345 Christer Garmann Classic- - NOR U chrigar BEP
15 46.60 138.6601 Sindre Breidablik Production- - NOR U BSU
16 38.01 113.1062 Carl-Magnus Nilsen Standard- J NOR U KVP
17 37.23 110.7835 Øystein Paulsen Production- - NOR U Bergen skytterunion
18 29.58 88.0336 Hege Karlsen Standard- L NOR U KVP
19 25.25 75.1332 Iselin Winther Standard- L NOR U Bergen Pistolklubb
20 23.88 71.0488 Kåre Sundland Standard- - NOR U BPK
21 20.16 59.9855 Bent Pettersen Open- - NOR U bent BEP
22 18.65 55.5086 John Skauge Standard- - NOR U BSK
23 12.75 37.9461 Arne Sletteng Standard- - NOR U KVP
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